Read Your character by your Natal Solar Month     Follow

The Lagna in Astrological nomenclature is a very familiar term to all of us. And most of know that the Lagna is one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac beginning with Aries (Mesha) which happens to rise from the horizon at the time of one’s birth. Metaphorically speaking the Lagna thus determined is the foundation on which one’s Natal Chart is built.


Lagna, portrayal of character
Much significance is attached to the Lagna of a person, because the Lagna serves as a portrayal of a person’s characteristics and the course of his life in store. In fact, the Lagna is so important that the influences of planets on a person are modified- either reduced or intensified – depending on the Lagna. 


Natal Solar Month in Western Astrology
However, some Western astrologers and numerologists, adopt a different method in ascribing the signs of the Zodiac to people to delineating their characteristics and making predictions.  They go by the Solar month in which a person is born rather than the sign which rises from the horizon at the time of birth.


Solar calendar
We hope that the readers know that there is a solar calendar as distinct from Gregorian calendar.  According to the solar calendar, the 12 signs of the Zodiac are assigned to the 12 months.  The Solar year begins with Aries (Mesha) and ends with Pisces (Meena).  For us in Sri Lanka, the Solar month Aries begins when the Sun enters the Aries sign about 13 or 14 April of the year. (The exact duration of the Sun’s transit in each sign can be verified with the aid of an ephemeris for the year.) The Sun remains in this sign till about May 14. 

Western astrologers and numerologists treat all persons born within the period the Sun transits in the Aries sign as Aries people. 

The Solar calendar for the year 2018/2019 is given below for the convenience of our readers.



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