Read your fortune by the yogas formed on your palm     Follow

      Human Hand – Trailblazer of Human Civilization-Part XV11     


Unfavourable Yogas

Lobha Yoga
Description: The Heart line runs straight across the palm
Result: The person having this formation is a greedy miser.


Chori Yoga
Description: The mark of a net on a developed Mount of Mercury indicates this yoga.
Result: The one who has this yoga is so unlucky as to experience a series of thefts in his house.
Following formations also constitute the Align ‘Chori Yoga’
The Mount of Mercury is quite developed and Health line has an island on it.
There is a point or a cross on the last phalange of the little finger


Bhikshuk Yoga
Description: A mark of a cross on the Fate line is considered the Bhikshuk Yoga.
Result:  A person born with this yoga is so unlucky he is deprived of the happiness of a son, wife and a family. He would suffer due to poverty throughout his life. 

Following formations are also considered giving rise to this yoga.

The Mount of Venus is divided into two parts.

The Sun line proceeds to the second phalange of the finger of Apollo.

A line originating from the broken Health line goes down to the bracelets. 


Garbapat Yoga 
Description:  A hill-like formation occurring on the Mount of Venus signifies the Garbhapat Yoga.
Result: A woman having this formation on her palm is liable to lose her child in the womb due to abortion.


Ashubha Yoga
Description: A broken Sun line on an undeveloped Mount of Sun indicates the presence of Asubha Yoga.
Result: The person having this yoga is lascivious and insolent. He is condemned to lead a hand to mouth existence.  He is inclined to earn his living by cheating others. His life is a failure in every respect. 


Rudra Yoga
Description:  This yoga arises when there is a ring each on the Mount of Saturn and Mount of Jupiter and there is a line originating from the Mount of Sun touching both these rings.
Result: Person having this formation is an easy-going, irresponsible, showy and vain character who squanders the wealth he earns by trying  to show off his prosperity. 

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