Read your fortune from the yogas formed on your palm – Part XV     Follow

Rashmi Yoga: Subject gains honour, fame and high recognition

Divya Yoga: Subject earns immense wealth through hard work and perseverance

Maharajadhiraja Yoga:  Subject travels far and wide mostly as a pilgrim

Rashmi Yoga: This yoga is formed when a line originating from the bracelets reaches a well-developed Mount of Venus. 


The following formations are also recognized as Rashmi Yoga

1. A mark of a Swastika on the Mount of Venus
2. One vertical line, several horizontal lines and a cross below them on the Mount of Moon.
3. The presence of two Health lines on the palm

Result: A person born with this yoga enjoys the fruits of his labour in full measure. He acquires all requisites for a comfortable living. He gains honour, high recognition and a good reputation.


Divya Yoga:
This yoga is formed when the Jupiter line originating from the Mount of Venus reaches the mid-point on the Mount of Jupiter and there are distinct lines of Sun and Mercury. The following the formations are also considered as constituting the Divya Yoga.

Result: Beneficiary of this yoga earns immense wealth through hard work and perseverance and enjoys the wealth. He leads a happy life. He is honored by society.


Maharajadhiraja Yoga: This yoga is present when Mounts of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are well developed and the corresponding lines are distinct, thin and strong.
The following formation is also considered as constituting the Maharajadhiraja Yoga.
The fate, Life, Head and Health lines are dual and thin. They run separately without touching the other at any point.

Result: A person born with this Yoga is very fortunate. He is a wealthy businessman. He travels far and wide. mostly as a pilgrim. He is very liberal and deeply religious. He leads a happy and fruitful life.


Devanasha Yoga: This yoga is formed when at least five of the seven mounts and well developed and well-formed and the corresponding lines are clear and faultless. 

Result: One who is endowed with Yoga lives like a king in the lap of luxury with servants and aides at his beck and call.


Parvati Yoga: If out of the seven Mounts, four are well developed and their corresponding lines are well formed, this yoga is considered present.

Result: A person with this Yoga is prosperous and he leads a happy life free from want. 


Nripa Yoga: This Yoga is present when of the seven Mounts, three Mounts and their corresponding lines are well formed. 

Result: A person having this Yoga is prosperous and he enjoys the comforts of a permanent residence and conveyances. He leads a happy family.


Gauri Yoga: This Yoga is present when out of the seven Mounts, two mounts and their corresponding are prominent.

Result: The subject is a landed proprietor engaged in agricultural activity. He is deeply religious. He looks after the members of his family with affection. His children are also honest and virtuous. 


Rajya Yoga: This yoga is formed when there is one well developed Mount out of the seven and the corresponding line is well formed.

Result: One who is endowed with this yoga is a self-made person who has achieved success after years of hard work. At about 42 year of age, he rises to a high position and acquires a permanent residence, lands and a vehicle.

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