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Human Hand – Trailblazer of Human Civilization – Part XX11


Ashbhavika Mritu (Maraka) Yoga: (Unnatural death combinations)
Definition:  A person with marks of a cross on the Life line in both hands is considered as having this yoga.
Result:  The subject is destined to come to an unnatural death.
Following formations are also considered as constituting Maraka Yogas.
1.Life line ends abruptly midway
2.There is a mark of a star at the beginning of the Life line
3. Life line is very thin and indistinct
4. Life line is yellowish in colour
5. There is a distinct spot on the Life line
6. There is a cluster of lines at the beginning of the Life line
7. There are two lines at the beginning of the Life line
8. There is a mark of a triangle on the Life line
9. Life line terminates on the Mount of Venus
10.Life line is relatively short
11.Life line starting from the normal origin runs up to the wrist
12.Life line is very deep and wide on the palm
13.There is a triangle on the Mount of Moon
14.There are two or more spots on the Mount of Moon
15.There is a triangle on the Mount of Moon
16.The Line of Moon runs up to the Mount of Venus cutting the Life line
17.There is a mark of a star on the third phalanx of the finger of Apollo
18.The Health line is broken at many places
19.There is a cross on the Mount of Mercury
20.The Life line and Health line are chained 
21.There are two triangles on the health line
The unnatural death as indicated by the above formations could occur under any one of the following circumstances.
From thirst and starvation after losing way inside a jungle
  • Being trampled in an animal stampede
  • By drowning
  • Due to long confinement in a prison or any other place
  • Due to a communicable disease
  • Being crushed under a collapsed structure like a house
  • Being pinned under a fallen tree
  • Due to a wound that has turned septic
  • By strangulation
  • From eating a poisonous fruit or some contaminated foodstuff
  • By being attacked with weapons or under any other tragic circumstance  

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