Read your fortune from yogas formed on your palm- Part XX     Follow

Human hand – trailblazer of Human Civilization


Unfavourable Yogas
Shravyabadha Yoga: This yoga is present when there are many spots and many vertical and horizontal lines on the Mount of Moon: 
Result: person born with this yoga is deaf


Netranasha Yoga: If a line from the Plain of Mars touches the Moon line, the subject has this yoga. 
Result: Person having this yoga suffers from poor vision and constant eye troubles

Following formations are also considered as constituting the Netranasha Yoga.
1. A mark of a triangle on the Mount of sun
2. Sun line and Moon line touch each other
3. There are two triangles on the Mount of Moon
4. The Sun line is very weak
5. The Sun line reaches the second phalanx of the Finger of Apollo. 
 6. There is a red spot at the centre of the palm

Kalaha Yoga: A circle on the overdeveloped Mount of moon in both hands signifies the presence of this yoga.
Result:  Person having this yoga gets embroiled in quarrels throughout life and is finally killed in a brawl.


Unmada Yoga: A mark of a triangle on the Mount of Sun and Sun line in its path cutting it indicates the presence of this yoga. 
Result: Person having this yoga is of unsound mind and is garrulous.


Preshya Yoga: This yoga is considered present when there is no Fate line on the palm. Following formations also signify the presence of this yoga:
The Sun line is broken in many places
The Sun line originates either from below the Heart line in the centre of the palm or from below the Mount of Moon
Result: Person having this yoga is uneducated and unhappy.  He hears harsh words of others and works like a slave throughout his life.


Daridra Yoga: This yoga is present when the Sun line is weak and broken at several places. 
Following formations also constitute the Daridra Yoga:
A mark of a whirlpool or a conch shell on the Mount of Venus
Many vertical and horizontal lines and nets on the palm.
Result: The subject lives in grinding poverty. His mind is never at peace and lives in a state of misery.

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