Significations of minor lines - Line of Intuition

Human hand – trailblazer of Human Civilization     Follow

This line is seldom seen in a hand. When it is present, it runs like a Sister line to the Line of Mercury or the Line of Health or Liver.

This line when present, lies at the side of the hand near the percussion. It rises on the Mount of Moon, curves inwards towards the palm and ends on or near the Mount of Mercury. Its position is near the line of Mercury and is often mistaken for that line.  Its distinguishing feature is its curve. 

The line of Intuition is more often found in the philosophic, the conic and the Psychic hands than in any other of the seven types. 

A deep clear line indicates the greatest amount of intuition and if broken or defective otherwise, it signifies the limitation 
of the line’s effectiveness. 

In judging the effectiveness of the line, consideration should be given to the character of the hand in which it is present.

In a hand with long fingers, pointed tips, a prominent Mount of Moon and the head line is sloping the subject would be strongly psychic.  He would have visions and strong presentiments of danger and he would be a strong believer in signs and omens.  A clear line as described as above is generally found in the hand of clairvoyants and 
Spiritualist Mediums.

Some peculiarities of the line and their significations are as follows:

Peculiarity:  Intuition line cuts the line of Liver (Mercury or health)

Signification: Indication of grave liver trouble.

Peculiarity: This line reaches Mount of Mercury without crossing any other line

Signification: The subject would rise to a very respectable position in the country and would reach heights in diplomatic affairs.

Peculiarity: A branch line is running from a clear deep line of Intuition.

Signification: The subject is keen on using the power of intuition he possesses to make his or her mark in Occultism.  

Peculiarity:  The line of Intuition is found mixed with the line of Mercury.

Signification: The exercise of intuitive powers may endanger the life of the subject and may affect his nervous system. Such subjects are advised to leave psychic matters strictly alone.

Peculiarity: Starting from the lower part of the Mount of Moon near the percussion and coming up more or less in an accentuated curve to the Mount of Mercury where it terminates also near the percussion.

Signification: The subject has a peculiar tendency to presentiments and a strong aptitude for the occult sciences.

If found in the left hand only: The aptitude for occult sciences is there inherited, but not cultivated.  

Peculiarity: A clear line with a high Mount of moon more pronounced in its upper part.

Signification:   Subject possesses mesmeric, hypnotizing power

(To be continued)

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