What the Lines and Signs on Mounts say – Part 1

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            Human Hand – Trailblazer of Human Civilization            


We earlier presented a series of articles on the favourable and unfavourable yogas formed on the palm. 

The Palmistry had developed as a branch of Vedic Astrology in India and the sages in ancient India had not only named the Mounts on the palm after the planets, but also named the line and sign formations on the Mounts after the specific yogas that come in Astrology, applying the very same astrological principles as applicable to Astrology.

A new series based on the principles of Modern Western palmistry
The series of articles on the yogas formed on the palm carried on this page earlier was based solely on the Indian Palmistry. 
Palmistry had greatly developed in the West in the 19th century mainly due to the fame gained by the French palmists C.S. d’Arpentigny and M. Desbarrolles as exponents and practitioners of the science mostly among the royalty and the nobility in Europe at their time. 


Fathers of Modern Western Palmistry 
Several works on Palmistry including the manual, ‘Science of the Hand’ written by the doyens of the modern science of the hand d’Arpentigny and Desbarrolles brought about a new surge of interest in this occult science in the West. 

Later the celebrated work, ‘The Study of Palmistry’ by the French palmist Comte C de Saint-Germain published in 1897 won a worldwide readership. 

Desbarrolles (1801 – 1886) who was greatly inspired by the writings of d’Arpentigny had devoted 50 years of his life to the study of the subject and while engaged in research, had made himself available for daily consultations. 

It is also on record that the findings of the studies conducted by d’Arpentigny had made a major contribution towards laying a firm foundation for the Modern Palmistry as a science. 


A new series beginning with this article
Beginning with this article, we propose to introduce to our readership a new series of articles on What the Lines and Signs on the Mounts on the palm say’ based on principles of the Modern Western Palmistry. 


Signs and Lines on the Mount of Jupiter
Figure 1
Description:  A strong red line on the Mount separating the first and second fingers 
Result: Weakness of the intestines

Figure 2
Description: A line crossing a branch of the Line of Heart 
Result: Misfortune resulting from a love affair


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