The predictive component of Astrology presupposes the existence of a non-physical entity as part and parcel of a human being which acts as the carrier of his Karmic potential and this entity survives the decomposition of the physical body to pass on to his next birth.
Aries (Mesha): The Sun’s impending shift to the 9th House by the weekend indicates worries, a dip in your income, and health problems in the short run. Enhanced living comforts, higher status and success in all your endeavors are held out by Venus in your 8TH House. Mars in your 7th House has turned favourable due to the association with Jupiter already placed in it holding out marital happiness, peace and harmony in the family, good
Aries (Mesha): The Sun’s impending shift to the 9th House by the weekend indicates worries, a dip in your income, and health problems in the short run. Enhanced living comforts, higher status and success in all your endeavors are held out by Venus in your 8TH House. Mars in your 7th House has turned favourable due to the association with Jupiter already placed in it holding out marital happiness, peace and harmony in the family, good
Aries (Mesha): Enhanced living comforts, higher status and success in all your endeavours are held out by Venus in your 8th House. Mars in your 7th House has turned favourable due to the association with Jupiter already placed in it holding out marital happiness, peace and harmony in the fa
Although we are now following the Gregorian calendar, our ancients both in India and Sri Lanka used the lunar calendar based on the Lunar month beginning from the New Moon to the Full Moon. In fact, still we are using the lunar calendar for religious and astrological purposes.
Aries (Mesha): You can look forward to enhanced living comforts, higher status and success in all your endeavors when Venus moves into your 8th House. Mars due in your 7th House by the weekend will turn favourable due to the association with Jupiter already placed in it. Sun in your 8th House indicates
Marriage or Affection line is very small but it tells a lot about our life.The horizontal line under the little finger and above the Heart line on the Mount of Mercury originating from the percussion is called the line of Marriage, Affection or Love. This line is called the line of Union and the line of Attachment as well.
Mercury due in your 9th House signifies worries, loss of wealth and bad luck. Sun in your 8th House indicates illness and heavy expenditure. Now you are relieved of the malefic period – Ashtamaya Shani Erashtaka you have been going through. Mars in your 6th House continues to give a whip hand over enemies and rivals, financial gains and higher status. Venus in your 7th House holds out
Astronomy is generally believed to be the precursor of Astrology. However, if we are to believe that Astrology is part and parcel of Vedas revealed by the ancient Indian sages often referred to as Rishis or seers, Astronomy and Astrology have had their birth as twins in ancient India.
In previous articles we discussed how we should harmonize the vibrational value and numerical value of our name with our Birth Number and the Destiny or the Compound Number and also how we should match the colours we wear with the Birth Number.
Aries (Mesha): A favourable Mercury is in your 8th House signifying financial stability and success in all ventures. Now you are relieved of the malefic period – Ashtamaya Shani Erashtaka you have been going through. Mars in your 6th House continues to give a whip hand over enemies and rivals, financial gains and higher status. Venus in your 7th House holds out happiness and prosperity in addition to marital happiness, good health, a
There has to be a methodology underpinning the process of learning any subject. However, it is a great advantage to have a good grasp of the broad principles or fundamentals relating to a particular subject before undertaking an in-depth study of the various parts of the subject step by step. This rule holds good for the study of Predictive Astrology as well.
Now you are relieved of the malefic period – Ashtamaya Shani Erashtaka you have been going through. Mars in your 6th House continues to give a whip hand over enemies and rivals, financial gains and higher status. Venus due in your 7th House on Nov: 3 strong with Swakshetra status holds out happiness and prosperity in addition to marital happiness, good health, a happy time at the
We presume that our readers are quite conversant with what the Birthdate Number is and the importance of harmonizing vital landmark events in their life with the Birthdate Number with a view to achieving the best possible results.
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