Man’s fascination with certain numbers goes back to the dawn of recorded history. For the Ancient Babylonians the most meaningful number was 60. They based their mathematics and calendar around it — and we, many centuries later, have inherited their system. That’s why an hour has 60 minutes, and a minute 60 seconds.
A study of fingers short of an account of the significance of finger nails would not be complete. “A consideration of the nails is necessary and much information as to the general health and robustness of the constitution can be obtained from them,” says veteran Palmistry expert Pscho.
Aries (Mesha): Mercury in the Lagna gives you pleasing manners and a cheerful disposition, but the adverse influence of the Mars – Sun combination in the 2nd House could cause just the opposite effect– make you rude and discourteous. So you have to strive to m
The strength of the Sun placed in your Lagna is on the wane as it is on the way out of it, which will result in a decline in your morale as well as your influence and to authority. Therefore, you are advised not to throw your weight about and act with caution, restraint and foresight. However,
Saturn takes about 2 ½ years to traverse one sign or Rashi of the 12-sign - Zodiac or one day to travel past one degree in the Zodiacal circle. This means that every person who lives over 30 years would invariably come under a Shani Erashtaka.
In the previous article, we discussed the three phalanges of the thumb in some detail. In this article, we propose to discuss the thumb as a whole. According to Indian palmistry experts, the thumb falls into three main categories. They are:
You are likely to develop a philosophical outlook on life and an inclination to lead an austere lifestyle. The planetary influences that began working in your favour from the eve of the National New Year continue to operate in full measure. You may embark on any undertaking assured of success. Gainful co-operation from friends and their delightful company will be a source of inspiration to you.
Mental illness is not a subject alien to Astrology. In fact, mental disease is an integral part of Medical Astrology based on principles propounded by the ancient sages in India. However, it appears that in recent times, it is the Western Astrologers who have evinced a greater interest in research on Medical Astrology – Mental illness in particular than the practitioners of Vedic Astrology.
The planetary influences that began working in your favour from the eve of the National New Year continue to operate in full measure. You may embark on any undertaking assured of success. Gainful co-operation from friends and their delightful company will be a source of inspiration to you. Meanwhile, new income avenues will open up.
Mundane Astrology is an important branch of Astrological Science as it deals with the effect and influence of the Zodiac and planets upon the earth in general and the countries, cities and segments of world population in a wider sense.
In the previous article under the above topic we referred to seven types of the hand each with a specific shape and also discussed the first three types of hand, namely the Elementary or the lowest type of hand, the Square or the Useful hand and the Spatulate or the nervous active hand. We propose to discuss in this article the remaining four types of hand namely:
This is a week of great significance for you given the two planetary changes due at the week-end – Mars entering the 2nd House leaving Aries on April 13 and Sun entering Aries to attain exalted status on April 14 directly involves your Lagna thus making a great impact on your life at the dawn of the National New Year. The ongoing week is ideal for introspection and hindsight rather than for a hustle-bustle lifestyle.
This well-known quote from Shakespeare’s play, ‘Julius Caesar’, reminds us that peoples from all parts of the world from ancient times have believed that extra-terrestrial phenomena exert a tremendous influence and impact directly and indirectly on man and his environment on earth.
The shape of the hand provides a wealth of information relating to the character and the peculiarities of the subject, say great palmists who have gathered knowledge through research and experience. The hand is divided into three distinct parts as
You are likely to develop a more cheerful disposition and a buoyant spirit with Mercury beginning transit in your Lagna and Mars already in it in transit continues to make you dynamic, energetic and proactive. However, you are prone to accidents that could cause head injuries. The company and patronage of the VIPs indicated. The beneficial influence of the exalted Venus in the 12th House fortifies you with a keen perception and a pragmatic
Aries (Mesha): Mercury due to begin transit in your Lagna from March 27 will imbue you with a cheerful disposition while Lagnadhipati Mars now in transit in your Lagna continues to make you dynamic, energetic and proactive. However, you are prone to accidents that could cause head injuries. The company and patronage of the VIPs indicated. You may feel a strong inner urge to tread the righteous path., thanks to exalted Venus in the 12th House pro
Astrology is the science that deals with the influence of celestial bodies on man and his environment. It represents the vast body of knowledge gathered over ages through the study of regular movements of the Sun, the Moon and the other planets in our Solar system and their influences upon man in particular.
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