The best years of my life were when I was at my largest, not caring what anyone thought about my figure
Gossiping in Colombo could be compared to a common cold. Gossip, as one knows, is generally casual or unconstrained conversations or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true. As long as it is in great humour, gossiping is quite entertaining, especially if it stops there and is not conveyed with additions to the original story just to spice it up. People absolutely love to cause mischief, specifically when spoken about with malice and vicious intentions involving others just to be spiteful. Negative gossip erodes trust. Those who engage in this practice will likely wonder if the group members gossip about them behind their backs. It is expected that the person who is its target will find out about it and will probably never be able to trust their friends again. Many friendships, marriages, love affairs etc., have resulted in the break of relationships and contacts when the gossip has been deliberately malicious.
People also love to jump to conclusions about others and these are generally unwarranted by the situation. Most are critical of those who jump to conclusions because they decide too quickly that something is true, especially when they do not know all the facts. Jumping to conclusions is generally a mental distortion in which individuals make hasty decisions or reach inaccurate conclusions. The other day I was told that I had been a topic of gossip. The gossip being that I was unhappy about my weight and had stopped socialising and am now depressed. I was quite amused at this as the only reason I did slow down was because the hypocrisy and insincerity around me got too much and I decided to retreat and spend time away and reflect alone. In fact, the best years of my life were when I was at my largest, not caring what anyone thought about my figure. Once a woman did try to be witty and made a silly comment only to be told off and humiliated at a public event. Since then no one has come to be smart or crack jokes about my weight. I enjoyed a colourful six decades and my weight has never been in the way. All those who jump to conclusions should look into their lives before gossiping or jumping to conclusions about others, especially when they have a lot to hide and be ashamed of.
Let us gossip with fun in mind instead of jumping to conclusions that are mainly a figment of a vivid imagination.