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It is all gloom and doom around us; everybody knows of a close friend who has passed from COVID-19 and many close friends who have caught the virus and thankfully survived it. It is all about how to get through the day without feeling down. Staying at home does give you that cooped up feeling and one longs to hear some good and cheerful news. Talking to a professional about this, I was told that occupying the mind with things to do as well as involving oneself with some project online, clearing cupboards and organising one’s home are some examples of how to keep the mind occupied.
Last year, in September, we had not heard of a vaccine. This September we know of many. The majority in our country are happy to take the vaccines whilst some are adamant not to take it citing medical reasons or religious beliefs. Even though vaccinated people may have caught the virus, it is not as severe as when not having taken the vaccine. Home care is possible for such cases.
Watching the news and reading the newspapers about COVID-19 can be a downer, especially since there are many opinions that require to be sifted through and at most times one is left confused trying to figure out what is real and what is not. All sorts of YouTube clips are popping up with ridiculous methods to either safeguard or cure oneself from the virus and misleading people. I do wish there was one channel dedicated to giving us the facts and proper advice on what precautions to take, led by recognised medical doctors and scientists knowledgeable on the subject. It is crazy to see that people still want to get together. The less people you meet seems to be the safest way to protect yourself from this unsure virus.
Let us keep our spirits up any way possible and hope that this virus will stop mutating and disappear sometime soon so that we can get back to some normalcy in our lives.
Another annoying factor is the forwarding of messages, clips etc. on WhatsApp. People seem to take pleasure in sharing the most gory, morbid and awful pictures around. They also forward all sorts of useless information, including remedies and prescriptions, which is quite annoying. Even the virus-related jokes have become quite stale now. I wish people would use their common sense and forward items that are fun and would uplift one’s spirit in these gloomy days. The worst is our diaspora who relish in forwarding all news items related to Sri Lanka without taking a moment to look in their backyard.
Let us keep our spirits up any way possible and hope that this virus will stop mutating and disappear sometime soon so that we can get back to some normalcy in our lives.