Uniting Hearts Transforming Lives

one act of kindness at a time

Since 2017, the organisation has worked tirelessly to provide long-term and sustainable solutions to encourage and support families to break through the cycle of generational poverty

Revered as a light at the end of the tunnel for struggling families and the less fortunate of all ages, CareStation humbly stands as a non-profit, non-political, and non-religious Sri Lankan entity that is committed towards community development and social welfare. 

Since 2017, the organisation has worked tirelessly to provide long-term and sustainable solutions to encourage and support families to break through the country’s cycle of generational poverty by acknowledging the urgent need to provide them with basic necessities such as food, shelter, education and healthcare, just to name a few. 
With a devoted team of over 365 volunteers and experienced staff members representing a blend of values that enable compassion, integrity, engagement, collaboration and innovation, CareStation aims to provide services ranging from emergency crisis relief and long-term development projects (including housing and water/electricity connections) to special welfare projects that are catered to meet the unique requirements of an individual, family or community in dire need. 

A few of their success stories this year include hosting their annual Food for the Needy 2024 project, where they provided families with dry rations and essentials to endure the holy month of Ramadan, aided by benevolent donations from the local community. Having arranged a fundraiser titled ‘Wheels of Hope’ for children at The Bright Child Development Centre in Vavuniya, the organisation was also able to bring upon smiles and relief by generously providing new and fully functional bicycles to the orphanage, ensuring that the children attend school and evening classes with ease. Moreover, CareStation managed to distribute essential packs to a group of expecting mothers at the maternity clinic in Kalubowila in collaboration with the Finnish Preschool in Colombo, proving once again that kindness laced with a strong collective effort goes a long way. 
Fueled by the community’s support, the team is determined to continue extending a helping hand wherever possible. Their ongoing projects include an open donation towards a Crisis Relief Aid aiming to support poverty-stricken families who have been affected by the recent Sri Lankan economic crisis, with essential dry ration packs to cover basic and food necessities.
Recognising that residents in Sri Lanka’s dry zone areas (particularly Puttalam and Trincomalee) were lacking access to clean water, as well as taking into consideration how families were barely able to afford basic provisions, CareStation has also undertaken the responsibility of establishing several water connections in the Nagavillu and Karamba Padaviya Divisional Secretariat Areas in Puttalam, and the Kuchchaveli and Kinniya Divisional Secretariat Areas in Trincomalee. Labelled as their ‘Water for Life’ project, the organisation has managed to set up 80 water connections as of recently, and are looking to continue to construct 40 more with the help of their ever supportive donors. 
Given the privilege of engaging with Razni Razick, Co-Founder and Director of CareStation in an exclusive interview, below are some of her insights regarding the organisation and its charitable efforts.
CareStation stands as a non-profit, non-political, and non-religious 
Sri Lankan entity that is committed towards community development and social welfare
Q: What were your primary motives for starting CareStation?
CareStation was born from a deep desire to create a space where children and vulnerable communities could feel seen, supported, and empowered. I’ve always believed that every child, regardless of their background, deserves access to care and education that fuels their potential. The sight of unmet needs in vulnerable communities moved me to take action not just to provide temporary relief, but to build lasting change.
Q:What is your most successful programme to date and why?
Our most successful programme is, without a doubt, the education initiatives and sponsorships for children. Seeing the children who once lived in constant uncertainty blossom into confident learners and achievers has been truly transformative. This programme’s success isn’t just about academic growth, it’s about breaking the cycle of poverty. We’ve witnessed children use the opportunities provided to not only elevate themselves but also uplift their families. Many have gone on to succeed and give back to their communities, creating a ripple effect of change.
Q: Are you able to provide international aid as well? If not, is it a plan for the future?
Currently, our efforts are focused on our local communities, but the heart of CareStation knows no boundaries. We’ve already started engaging with international organisations and believe that, in time, we will extend our reach globally. The compassion and empathy that fuel our mission are not confined by borders. While the immediate need is here in Sri Lanka, our eyes are set on a future where CareStation’s impact resonates far beyond the communities we currently serve.
Q: How do you engage with your supporters and keep them updated about your work?
Our supporters are the heartbeat of CareStation, and we keep them closely connected through regular updates via social media platforms, WhatsApp, and events. But more than just informing them, we make sure to show them the faces behind the numbers, the smiles of children, the progress of our programs, and the stories of impact. We believe that people invest their hearts when they see the difference their support is making, and that’s the essence of our engagement strategy.
Q: What are your most urgent and high-priority needs?
Right now, our most pressing need is sustainable funding and resources to expand our programs, especially our recent holistic free education Centre initiative. We have seen the transformative power of our initiatives, but without consistent support, it’s difficult to maintain and grow them. Additionally, more volunteers and skilled professionals who can help guide and nurture the children are always needed. Every resource helps to keep hope alive in the eyes of these children, and that is our constant driving force.
Q: What are some obstacles that stood in between you and your mission and how did you overcome them?
There have been countless obstacles; limited resources, societal stigma, and the overwhelming nature of the needs we face. But, I’ve learned that every challenge carries within it the seed of a solution. We’ve overcome these barriers by building strong partnerships, thinking creatively, and staying grounded in our purpose. At CareStation, we believe that even the smallest step forward is progress. The path isn’t easy, but our determination has always carried us through.
Q:What would make the greatest difference in helping your organisation expand and reach its goals?
The greatest difference would be the ability to secure long-term partnerships with like-minded individuals and organisations that share our vision. It’s not just about financial support, though that’s vital, it’s about creating a network of changemakers who are committed to seeing our mission succeed. Expanding our volunteer base and attracting people who bring fresh ideas and energy to the table would be a game-changer for CareStation’s growth and impact.
Q: What are your future plans for CareStation?
The future of CareStation is one of hope and expansion. We dream of opening new centres, especially in regions where children are most vulnerable. We plan to scale our programs, adding vocational training and mentorship programs that prepare our youth for the future. Ultimately, we envision CareStation becoming a global force, a beacon of light for children everywhere who need support, education, and the chance to dream beyond their circumstances.
Q: What are your most urgent and high-priority needs?
Right now, our most pressing need is sustainable funding and resources to expand our programmes, especially our recent holistic free education Centre initiative. We have seen the transformative power of our initiatives, but without consistent support, it’s difficult to maintain and grow them. Additionally, more volunteers and skilled professionals who can help guide and nurture the children are always needed. Every resource helps to keep hope alive in the eyes of these children, and that is our constant driving force.
Q: What are some obstacles you faced when trying to achieve your mission and how did you overcome them?
There have been countless obstacles; limited resources, societal stigma, and the overwhelming nature of the needs we face. But, I’ve learned that every challenge carries within it the seed of a solution. We’ve overcome these barriers by building strong partnerships, thinking creatively, and staying grounded in our purpose. At CareStation, we believe that even the smallest step forward is progress. The path isn’t easy, but our determination has always carried us through.
Q:What would make the greatest difference in helping your organisation expand and reach its goals?
The greatest difference would be the ability to secure long-term partnerships with like-minded individuals and organisations that share our vision. It’s not just about financial support, though that’s vital, it’s about creating a network of changemakers who are committed to seeing our mission succeed. Expanding our volunteer base and attracting people who bring fresh ideas and energy to the table would be a game-changer for CareStation’s growth and impact.
Q: What are your future plans for CareStation?
The future of CareStation is one of hope and expansion. We dream of opening new centres, especially in regions where children are most vulnerable. We plan to scale our programmes, adding vocational training and mentorship programmes that prepare our youth for the future. Ultimately, we envision CareStation becoming a global force, a beacon of light for children everywhere who need support, education, and the chance to dream beyond their circumstances.
Pics courtesy of CareStation
For more information about CareStation, visit their website https://carestationsl.org/ or           @carestation.lk on Instagram.

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