Miranda Hotter Than Ever

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How Lambert got bikini ready - without giving up burgers and cocktails

I’ve always been happy with myself at any weight,” Miranda Lambert told Us May 21. But after a 25-pound slim down, the singer wore an extra-wide smile - and a teeny bikini - in Honolulu September 19. “She’s more confident than ever in her looks,” says a source close to Lambert, 30. Following years of yo-yo dieting, the 5-foot-4 stunner shed the weight in three months last year and now concentrates on “maintaining,” says the source. Portion control is key. “She still eats fried chicken and burgers, but limits it,” the insider adds. Also on the menu: juices, almonds and grilled chicken. Her dedication to healthy fare affords the star a few splurges. Adds the source, “She still
loves cocktails.”

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