Health Tips

Is there a natural way to stop a migraine?

Try this natural remedy for migraine: submerge your feet and hands in very warm water and place an ice pack at the base of your skull. The heat in your extremities will pull some of the blood from your head, relieving your headache.


What’s the least amount of exercise I can do to derive benefits?

Your heart can benefit from just one hour of exercise a week, and this hour can be broken into segments: 20 minutes over 3 days, or 10 minutes over 6 days - as long as you get your hour in each week. Any aerobic activity will work.   


Are babies toxic at birth?

Study: babies have been exposed to up to 200 hazardous chemicals while developing in the womb. Chemicals that have been found in newborns’ bodies include: Bisphenol from plastic bottles; PBDEs (flame retardants found in TVs and electronics); PCBs, found in food and dioxins and mercury from industrial emissions.     




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