A ‘Green Revolution’ that hoodwinked a prime minister

  • The Prime Minister had emphasised on the need to have a powerful campaign if the country is to prosper and bring down the cost of living
  • Had the campaign of Madam Bandaranaike and Minister Kobbekadwa worked Sri Lanka would perhaps been self sufficient in food

‘Corrupt officials hamper Food Drive’ a headline in an article published in the ‘ Daily Mirror’ said.  
This gave this writer the impetus to write more about this absolutely factual story; even several years after it was published. Journalists working at that and were young scribes are still in the publishing trade and if they read such factual stores they may wish to respond.
It was the time of Late Prime Minister Dudley Senanayake.
My News Editor at that time Felician Fernando rang me and said that the Prime Minister was declaring open the “Mahiyanganaya Project - Green Revolution” and requested me to cover the opening ceremony. 

During that period, we had only one correspondent for an area and they were in the staff payroll and well reimbursed.  So I was assigned with the task. The bus service was horrible. I thought to proceed to Mahiyanganaya the previous day.
So I thought of staying at Mahiyanganaya Raja Maha Viharaya as there was no restrooms except the rest house, a facility that was fully booked due to the arrival of the Prime Minister. My granduncle was the Mahanayake of Asgiriya Temple and he by virtue of his position was the incumbent of the Mahiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya. 
So after my arrival late in the evening I was assigned a place on the upper floor of the temple - an old building. Around five in the morning I heard a ‘hissing ‘ sound.  Lo and behold there was a snake with its hood open in the corner of the room. I ran down. I do not know how quickly I vanished and immediately informed an official.  He laughed and said  “Oh, he is always there and you would have slept with him also being in the room last night “
 I got ready to reach the venue for the assignment where the Prime Minister would be present. There was also a senior staff writer from ‘Daily News’ and both of us went to cover the event. We were the only two print media journalists covering the event. But, I believe the SLBC and the Government Film Unit had representatives there.
The Project was a huge one with acres of land earmarked to grow vegetables and paddy.  CIC allowed applicants to cultivate paddy on the area that was assigned to them and the others were allowed to cultivate vegetables and other food crops.
The Prime Minister arrived accompanied by his single security officer Mr. Abeygunawardene. However there were other security men at the venue and they were from the area Police Stations.
As usual the Prime Minister was removing the photographs in the well grown vegetables and the other food crops on display. He was shown a growth of Manioc tubers weighing over 25 kilos.  We saw the Prime Minister taking more shots of these Manioc tubers and with him was the Deputy Director (believed to be a staunch UNPer) giving an account of the displayed items.
 So when the ‘show’ was over and everyone retired to the huge hanger for refreshments. An officer of the department came to us and said “Loku Aswennak (harvest), Neh. Sir. Meh okkoma genave Ranagala polen. (All products were brought from Ranagala Fair)  Senior Officers hoodwinked the Prime Minister and there ended the “Green Revolution. at Mahiyanganaya.
Another of this nature happened on the day Prime Minister Dudley Senanayake was flown in an aero plane. He was accompanied by a Senior Dawasa newspaper reporter, who is now living at Matale. He told me this story. 

In the Aero plane was the Deputy Director and they began showing the ‘ lands where the paddy was grown by farmers on the advice of the department officers.  Our Dawasa newspaper reporter occupying the rear seat inquired from the Prime Minister “Sir, Goyam gal uda wawanta puluwanda “ (Can paddy be grown on rocks ). Faces fell and the Prime Minister ordered the plane to taken back.
Now we must return to the story of the “Grow more food campaign” of Minister Hector Kobbekaduwa. 
The meeting was held at Trinity College Auditorium and Prime Minster Madam Sirimavo Bandaranaike was the Chief Guest. The writer reported on the meeting where there was a packed audience. Among those present were officers from the Department of Agriculture and the SLFP 
Branch Chairman.
The Prime Minister had emphasised on the need to have a powerful campaign if the country is to prosper and bring down the cost of living. Minister Hector Kobbekaduwa in the same tone told the department officers that they are the backbone of this campaign and that they should shoulder the responsibilities and see that every inch of land is cultivated on.
What happened was that certain officers wanting to spite the Minister made certain people grow plantain trees in the middle of railway tracks.
That was how certain department officers worked.
Had the campaign of Madam Bandaranaike and Minister Kobbekaduwa worked Sri Lanka would perhaps been self sufficient in food. 
When politics enters a department its ill effects spread like cancer.  These are only a few stories like this and biggest was reported in the Lankadeepa newspaper by correspondent L.B.Wijesiri from Kandy. The story was about how a Jeep was sent to Peradeniya town to fetch a packet of safety matches for an Area Officer! 

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