A Pleasing personality - “Sathi Acca”

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Sathiyamalar Sinnappo, affectionately called ‘ Sathi Acca’ is known to me intimately for over half a century. She was my lecturer at Palaly specialized Teacher College in 1965. She is also a relation of my wife. From Palaly she went on promotion to Kopay Training College as the principal and retired from there.  

My thoughts are crowded with memories of special moments. Words cannot do justice to her all-round capabilities and achievements. I can visualize her beautifully dressed, walking at a terrific speed, that’s her usual pace, no one can beat her in a walking race, walks into the lecture hall ‘dead’ on time for the lectures, that was her punctuality.  

It was mainly due to her high degree of discipline, dedication, devotion & commitment to duty that made her an exemplary role model as both a lecturer at Palaly G.T.C and later a Principal at Kopay Teachers Training College earning plaudits. She meticulously planned and executed whatever activity she desired to do at the training college.  

She enjoyed the blessings of all trainees, Co-lecturers and the supporting staff. Her loving, kind, innocent genuine smile will never be forgotten by her loved ones. She never grumbled or inconvenienced anyone. Patience, perseverance, and pleasing manners were her humble way of life. Generations of teacher trainees will treasure her in their hearts.  

Among the qualities she possessed, her loyalty to her family, her friends, her school, her church were bountiful. The hospitality she showed to any visitor whether at home or at college remained par-excellence. The affection she had for people was limitless. She speaks very courteously and her gentle words pierced anybody’s heart.  

She was the manager of the Anglican school - Chundikuli Girl’s College, Jaffna during the most critical days of the war, held almost all the key offices at the anglican church - St. James Church, Nallur, Jaffna and remained in readiness to help the poorest of the poor at all times. Her motto was “help ever, hurt never, Love all, & serve all “ she lived true to her motto.  

Sad to say, she lived through her life as a worthy “Spinster” Nevertheless she lived a contented life, she had more than a round dozen of nephews & nieces – they were the centre of her universe, very specially “Ravi & Jeyendran” who were the very “Apples” of her eyes with whom she lived & to them she was “the mother”. In fact she breathed her last at the entrance of the hospital in the hands of ‘Ravi’ while being rushed for emergency treatment. Beside these nephews & nieces, she also possessed the teacher trainees who passed through her hands an her own children & they in turn returned her the same love. That was the richness of her heart.  

Life is like a flower that blooms in the morning and withers away in the evening. Sathi Acca will be remembered for leading a harmless and inoffensive life, winning the friendship and respect of all those who came in contact with her.   

May her noble soul rest in eternal peace.   

D.R. Arumainayagam.  

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