A Tribute to my beloved father, Anthony J.P.M Jayawardene Ode to a Jubilarian

Anthony J.P.M Jayawardene


Since you bade us adios over four years ago
You’re missed more than you’d ever know.  
A rare human being with a heart of gold,
I often thought you were not of this world.    
Your voice is still heard in the hearts you inspired, 
Your unmatched humor and wit unexpired, 
The laughter and light you so easily spread, 
A legend you are, of the trail you have blazed.
Your life with blessings did abound:
The most caring wife you could ever have found,
All your family’s love for you, so profound,
O’er mountain tops and rocky ground! 
You loved us with sincere intent,
From the start to your journey’s end,
A good husband, father, brother and friend
A considerate lawyer; we couldn’t at times               
quite comprehend!       
Whenever I needed your help, you just said                              
“Child, I will do it.” and did just as you said!
My father, you’ve never said “No”, when I asked,
For whatever I needed or how great the task. 
Many heroes renowned with two scores and ten,  
You’re one who’s gone further; 
Tho’ you’re among them!
In all of our hearts and the place you now hold,
Transcending beyond to celestial hosts.
For that’s where some rare jubilarians reign;
In heavenly realms free from sorrow and pain, 
And in lives they have touched again and again.
Forever inscribed you will always remain,  
For we love you so much, with love unfeigned. 
I’m still thanking God though you’re no longer seen;
For the wonderful father, to me you have been.
                                               -IYROSHI JAYAWARDENE-

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