A man of great determination

Lal de Mel - A Personal Tribute

It was during my first-year vacation at the University of Peradeniya that I had the joy of meeting Lal at a Student Christian Movement Conference organized at Trinity College, Kandy by the very charismatic Chaplain, Lakshman Wickremasinghe. Lal brought his guitar with him. At the end of the conference fellowship, Lal, playing his guitar, sang the then-popular song, “Roses of Rio.” 

It so happened in 1961, Lal entered the University of Peradeniya. I told Lal that we had to go to Sangamitta Hall to sing his song (my fiancée at the time was a resident of that Hall)!!!!Lal being Lal, he was willing to do this!!!!
My next point of contact with Lal was after his marriage and my ordination. I was working at the Cathedral in Colombo. Lal and his family not only worshipped there but also helped us regularly with maintenance work. 

In my view, one of the saddest matters that happened at the Cathedral and to me personally was the subject concerning female ordination. Here, Lal, I am told, stood with me when many others were opposed. The last time I met Lal and his wife was at our church in Polwatte. Then he told me, “Sydney, I am a Methodist so I am not very happy with this long Anglican liturgy!!” 

I was very sad indeed when my daughter informed me that Lal was no more. 

Lal’s wife, Swerine, his daughters Dinoo and Niloo and all their kith and kin can always be certain of my continued interest in and love for them. May Lal’s soul rest in peace. 
Rev. Sydney Knight

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