A professional and academic who shared his knowledge

Hema Narangoda. M Sc, FPRI

It is sad to note the Polymer Industry in Sri Lanka losing a stalwart with the passing away of Hema Narangoda. M Sc, FPRI. 

Narangoda commenced his career at the Rubber Research Institute (RRI) as a Technical Assistant in 1969, after completing his secondary education at Christian College , Kotte.

He had an exemplary service record at the RRI; especially as a research person, initially in the Plant Pathology Department and subsequently in the Chemistry Department. This was as an understudy of the most reputed Rubber Scientist and Technologist, Mr. M Nadarajah. There are several patents to the credit of Narangoda jointly with M Nadaraja connected to latex products. Narangoda had solid exposure to Polymer Science and Technology through participation at several International Conferences; both in Sri Lanka and abroad. 

He excelled at the Licentiate of Institute of Rubber Industries (LIRI London) examination held in 1971 and was the winner of a gold medal that year. Afterwards, while serving at the RRI, he commenced lecturing the LIRI / LPRI students to prepare for the exams conducted in London. This service he continued at the Plastics and Rubber Institute of Sri Lanka (PRISL) until he fell sick a few months before his demise. He was one of the most popular lecturers of the highest professional standards blended with highest human qualities, who conducted lectures from the Certificate to Graduate level courses at the PRISL and Graduate and M Sc level courses at the Universities of Sri Jayewardenepura and Uva Wellassa.


Narangoda’s significant contribution to the development of the polymer industry and polymer education was highly acclaimed by the PRISL hence he was awarded its ‘Fellow’ membership and bestowed with the most prestigious ‘Merit Award’


He Joined the Industrial Development Board (IDB) as an Industrial Development Officer in Rubber, subsequently,  he was absorbed into the newly established World Bank Project, Rubber Products Development and Services Centre of IDB  and progressively elevated to the senior most positions. During his tenure at IDB he underwent Higher Level training at international organizations such as Rubber and Plastics Research Institute (RAPRA) in UK, International Atomic Energy Training Center in Japan, Rubber Research Institute in Malaysia and also completed M Sc in Polymer science and Technology at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura 
As a professional of the highest level, Narangoda never kept the vast knowledge and experience gained only to himself. He was responsible for assisting a large number of entrepreneurs to start industries and several SME and large scale industries to expand and develop.  

After serving the IDB for a period of over 15 years he joined several reputed industries where he had done an immense contribution in trouble shooting, product development and quality improvement.

He was responsible in developing the DSI Rubber Incubator at the University of Moratuwa.
His final assignment was to help the University of Jayewardenepura develop the curriculum of the Technology Faculty. 

Narangoda’s significant contribution to the development of the polymer industry and polymer education was highly acclaimed by the PRISL hence he was awarded its ‘Fellow’ membership and bestowed with the most prestigious ‘Merit Award’. 

A few months back the Narangoda Family lost their beloved son due to a gas explosion.

Before recovery from the shock, his beloved wife Indira, daughters Ruwani and Bina and their family had to face the greatest shock of the demise of their family leader.

I lost my great friend who I knew over a period of 50 years. The Plastics and Rubber Institute of Sri Lanka and the universities have lost a highly talented lecturer and the industry has lost a highly talented professional.

The entire country has lost a gentleman par excellence. 

May he attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana. 

(Kirthi Wanasinghe- On behalf of the Plastics and Rubber Institute of 
Sri Lanka)

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