ANIMOSITY! CBK-RW; Maithri-RW; Gota-MR; Now, Gota-RW: Who will Swallow Pride?

A minister who was charged with extortion [an exorbitant Rs. 64 million] and abusing his powers, found guilty and sentenced to two years RI- suspended thanks to the judiciary’s sympathy, he continues to occupy government’s front row. How can they gain the confidence of [let alone the funding agencies], millions of patriotic and conscientious Sri Lankans living in Sri Lanka and other parts of the world? Honesty and integrity are of vital importance in becoming people’s representatives.

It is heartening that people, including the privileged who occupy important positions and a few religious dignitaries, have come together to support the ‘Aragalaya’, and demand a firm system change. They are questioning the legitimacy of an incompetent and insensitive ruling to continue bungle for another two years, for the simple reason that the constitution provides for it, in spite of the fact how disastrous the results are going to be? Has the GotaGoGama lost the sting with JVP hijacking a fair portion, while FSP methodically infiltrating it. 
 The latest news on cracks appearing within government hierarchy, between President and PM reminds one of late Dr. NM Perera’s predictions. NM speaking during the debate on 1978 JR’s draft Bill on Constitution said,


"Today, instead of doing something to prevent an emergence of a worst situation, the cabinet ministers warn the public that they should not waste time in queues for fuel as no shipments are due, or on the impending power-cut hours and to ‘threaten’ them by adopting a fatalistic attitude, saying “the worst is yet to come”!"

  “The fact that the President has the authority to assign to himself any topic or function which he desires to take over, he can at will reduce or remove any function already agreed to the PM or to any other minister. In these complicated circumstances, what happens to the left majority in the House supporting a left Prime Minister who is saddled with a President sponsoring an opposite policy in conflict with the declared policy of a majority in the Parliament? How is this conflict to be resolved? Will that President be prepared to swallow his pride and foreswear his convictions adumbrated in his own declared policy when he assumed office? If neither is prepared to give way, there will be a deadlock. The whole governmental machinery will come to a standstill.” 

“The net result of this one party rule and the stamping out of opposition in terms of political degeneracy, economic mismanagement and downright corruption has to be seen to be believed. Tribal rivalries have rendered this intolerable situation inevitable. Does not JR Jayewardene by implication express this sub-conscious preference for a one party dictatorship in Sri Lanka?” NM continuing questioned. 

 Why should the poor man who is unable feed his children with two square meals a day pay tax through his dhal and bread to meet the expenditure on maintaining the ‘225’ politicians, [especially when there are many extortionists, fraudsters, and immoral men among them] providing them with free housing, fuel, subsidized meals, duty-free vehicle permits, security, family members as secretaries and public relations officers. A bunch of failures are running the show, while the opposition, and some ‘government’ labelled as independent groups generously circulate depressing forecasts and distressing warnings.  


"Premier Wickremesinghe needs the support and guidance and not insults and criticism since such abuses would only impede the revival of economy.  He may have to abide by the conditions forced by IMF and other finance agencies, who are prepared to offer much needed assistance at this critical juncture"

Today, instead of doing something to prevent an emergence of a worst situation, the foremost task of the cabinet ministers is to warn the public that they should not waste time in queues for fuel as no shipments are on the pipeline, or on the impending power-cut hours and to ‘threaten’ them by adopting a fatalistic attitude, saying “the worst is yet to come”. A cabinet minister, a couple weeks ago wanted people to revert to grand-aunt days of cooking with firewood instead of gas. Will another propose bullock cart-transport in preference to automobiles? 
Sajith Premadasa, the Opposition Leader made a statement saying that he already had discussions with three Middle Eastern national leaders who committed to him on oil at concessionary rates if he forms a government, but refused to take over the government when it was offered to him on a platter. Having rejected a chance to form an all-party interim government and help the people come out of the present crisis, the SJB leadership have been predicting disaster and darkness: they have been criticizing the attempts to negotiate for an IMF bailout package. Dr. Harsha de Silva, who was leading an opposition team of pessimist-economists who make guesses and forecast at daily media conferences had been invited for talks by their former boss Ranil Wickremesinghe. Harsha along with colleague Eran Wickremaratne had met the Prime Minister last Wednesday had assured the PM that they are willing to work together. This certainly would be a welcome move; perhaps RW has realized that issuing statements on the country’s grim situation is not what the people expect from him. People are well aware of the enormity of the current crisis for which his four and a half years of ‘Yahapalanya’ government has to share part of the responsibility.

 The problems faced by us cannot be solved by street protest, but only by suitable economic, agricultural, and industrial recovery strategies.  Unending agitations would certainly perturb the state officials and convey a negative message to donors.  Support from all quarters and the creation of a nonviolent climate is essential. The alarming challenge is how to get dollars. Quick way out cannot be instituted, but planning for realistic strategies.  Men in the calibre of Dr. de Silva undoubtedly would be an asset to the nation.

If recovery process from the current economic chaos get dragged, it would be our own making. Patriotic and responsible Lankans living in other parts of the globe are following the developments here with great concern as they feel highly disturbed, sad and shamed to see the conditions when they read about food shortages, continuous “street dramas” traffic jams slogan shouting followed by tear gas/water cannons. Premier Wickremesinghe needs the support and guidance and not insults and criticism since such abuses would only impede the revival of economy.  He may have to abide by the conditions forced by IMF and other finance agencies, who are prepared to offer much needed assistance at this critical juncture.
Those who affront Ranil as scorned and rejected at last polls, [accept people’s verdict 2019/20, as valid?] do they support Gota and SLPP’s claims of their mandate too!


"Having rejected a chance to form an all-party interim government and help the people come out of the present crisis, the SJB leadership have been predicting disaster and darkness: they have been criticizing the attempts to negotiate for an IMF bailout package"

Gotabaya Rajapaksa in an interview with a foreign journalists have for the second time, admitted that he had failed, but he does not want to leave office halfway as a failed leader, meaning he will stay for another two years. There is no guarantee that he will succeed during the remainder of his current term. Dollar crisis has hit all sectors; people are badly affected due to non-availability of foreign exchange. Political groups and media should permit the government to progress with its recovery plans without creating barriers by making counterproductive 
malicious comments. 

Peradeniya University was closed indefinitely. Are schools to follow? A two week ‘holiday’ for 1.6 mn strong [a national burden, half the number not working] public sector. “World Bank expects Sri Lanka’s economy to contract by 7.8 % in 2022”- DM. A committee headed by Nimal Lansa [?] to look into the easing efforts of an impending food crisis that could affect five million, says PM. Cricket—A triumph for a nation in the pits of gloom; thank you boys for the breathing space to see a grin on our faces! 
Britain’s first Jewish Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli reflecting on the vibrancy and complexity of politics said, “There is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honour.”

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