An ode to our Rulers

We are on this side of the divide, You are on that,
We are getting thinner each day
You are getting fat.
Most of you are old and Bald,
Very good at cheating and fraud.
We can only marvel at
Your money making apt.
You won’t allow the younger ones to take over the administration,
You are a darn greedy bunch,
Looking for a free lunch.
You’ve ruined our lovely nation,
With commissions by multiplication.
Since the Suddas left we’ve only grown in consternation,
Now many are lamenting their departure,
And wishing they’d never left,
We’d probably be in a better situation.
Now we are appealing to the gods in growing frustration
To rid us of this awful lot,
To bring about a reformation,
But it seems even they prefer your daily oblations,
With Poojas and red nools tied on your wrists
To our wide eyed ? trepidation!
You duped our farmers who once provided rice and veggies for us in abundance
You even derided the freely available Yahapalana Ambulance ?
If not for that many would have died during the Coronavirus infection
All you did was make a buck even on the vaccination ?
Giving grants to your patronising friends
You created brand new trends
For making bucks by the billions
And bankrupting our millions.
No Milk, no Rice, no sugar and spice
Fuel prices have risen
Higher than the high heaven.
When we try to cook our meals
The gas explodes at our heels
Commissions appointed to investigate

Nothing comes of those, no one to litigate
The witness becomes the prosecuted
The guilty are excused,
Convicted criminals, murderers, pardoned
We are led up the garden.
So please resign,
Now is the time,
Before, our nation,
Dies of inflation.
More than Dengue and Coronavirus infections.
Like we paid for un-supplied fertiliser
And useless nano nitrogen
We’ll make an act of contrition
And even pay you to go
So we can stop this bleeding,
Please please, listen to our pleading ?

Barney boy

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