An open letter to the President: Who led us to bankruptcy?

People are suffering in queues without essentials like gas (Photo AFP)


We witness today an honest politician languishing in jail for shooting  his mouth off and cannot get a pardon when convicted murderers had been fortunate to get the sympathy of the ruler


I read a very well articulated letter by a reader relating to the economy of the country, which is in shambles and near bankruptcy. The content in the letter highlighted the causes for this mess. I fully agree with him (the writer) when he said that what the country needed then was a knowledgeable person to get the economy moving in 2005. But what took place was totally different with a hidden agenda.

The politicians were more interested in furthering their family interests and to achieve all that and more, a man who had no experience in finance, banking or economics was appointed. It was evident that internationally accepted norms were ignored when that all important position of Governor of the Central Bank was filled.

Perhaps, inadvertently the writer missed to mention the name of the man responsible who gave an unsolicited tax cut which has caused a major setback of much needed revenue. He had acted on his own and abolished the tax structure that was in place and then advised the Ministry of Finance.  

He is P.B. Jayasundera against whom there was a judicial embargo which specifically said that he should not be employed for any activities of the state. This order was made by none other than the then Chief Justice of the country Sarath Nanda Silva. Any judgment given is valid in law.

In my opinion this constitutes contempt of court and hope a legal expert will correct me if my interpretation is wrong.
We witness today an honest politician languishing in jail for shooting  his mouth off and cannot get a pardon when convicted murderers had been fortunate to get the sympathy of the ruler.

PBJ and WDL left before the volcano erupted and Cabraal who accelerated the departure of WDL- who stoutly resisted going to the IMF- never expected to face this crisis having misled the President  who still continues in office. He must be using organic manure too to manure his home grown plot. If he has self-respect he must quit. 
No sane leader will reappoint him if he continues till the last day. The President by now must have realised that he would not have got into this cesspit if the man who is responsible for this monumental disaster, PBJ, did not act in the way he did.

Human nature is such that you could not resist the temptation when you were assured that the saffron community and ignorant ‘baiyas’ too will go the full distance to save the country. They completely forgot that the urgent need was to protect Buddhism from within as the majority of the Buddhist clergy and laymen; because politicians live nowhere near the teachings of the Buddha. As a Buddhist I say that without fear of contradiction.

The Editorial of the 20th March of a national newspaper, justifiably corrected you when you argued the case for your defence over the dire predicament now confronting the country but had also left a great deal unsaid.
The editor also corrected you when you said that you entered politics on the invitation of the people. You entered on the invitation of the family where the priority was to continue dynastic rule.

That high priority needs such as pure drinking water and bridges for transport of elderly and patients were totally ignored. Who the beneficiaries of big projects were is quite clear and known to those who got carried away by bogus claims. Even political brats are living in clover engaging in para jumping in Dubai when millions are without a meal.

It is relevant to mention that Sirisena before his 2018 betrayal, specifically told the country that Moragahakanda Reservoir project which would have benefited thousands for agriculture and also provide safe drinking water was totally ignored. He minced no words when he said that those who rob the state will be reborn as crows. I doff my hat to the editor who did not mince words when he said “ the projects were shamelessly bestowed with the name of a living Rajapaksa.”  Having done all that millions are wasted on plaques.

In the midst of this huge crisis for fuel we observed that a politician, after a chopper ride to the North, got the bullet proof luxury Mercedes on the road for travel there to have his name plastered in the North. Should not leaders set examples to others in the state service in particular who do not pay for fuel or for maintenance.
Back up vehicles for ministers must stop and as a Supreme Court in India ordered those who are frightened to face the people should stay at home.
The Central Bank needs a person of integrity and recognition internationally who can guide politicians on fiscal policies. 

If Sri Lanka were to expect investment such investors must have confidence in the rulers and senior officials. Any would be investor will have no confidence in people who are given key positions because they are politicians.
It is salutary for many in the Treasury too to make way for a new set of professionals to function now that we are going to the IMF.

Last but not least I join the hordes of people who request the President TO INVITE DR INDRAJIT COOMARASWAMY WHO LEFT AN INDELIBLE MARK AS AN EXEMPLARY GOVERNOR OF THE CENTRAL BANK during his short tenure of office to help us navigate to safe ground.
Of course if he accepts for the sake of his motherland he will certainly not act outside the standards of a technocrat.

Amy de Silva

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