Balasubramaniam Surendra He believed in the dignity of all human beings     Follow

16th of July 2018 marks the 3rd month of the passing of Balasubramaniam Surendra, Suren as he was known to many of us. It was with profound shock and sadness that his family, countless friends and associates learnt of the news of his passing.  

Suren was born with the proverbial silver spoon and was nurtured in a privileged background, yet he never lost the common touch, nor the ability to empathise, feel and respond to another’s need. He had his education at St Thomas’s College Mount Lavinia and following his professional studies he joined the family business which he was heading at the time of his untimely demise.   


Being a diehard Thomian, he greatly valued the kinship and camaraderie he shared with his STC batch mates

Suren was indeed a very lively, sensitive, kind and gentle human being and always saw the good in every human being. He was honest and ethical and was respected by all those he associated with. He valued human beings over monetory gains and had a strong sense of  duty towards the staff of the company he headed. I remember a staff member saying “he would always greet us and inquire about our well being each day as he came into work”.   

He believed in the dignity of all human beings. Following his death many were the tales of his selfless and silent acts and kindness. 


Today we live in a society that encourages and advocates hedonism glorifying self-interest, narcissism amidst an ethic that admires and values unbridled ambition, amassing material possessions, the abandonment of human decency with no respect for human dignity


Suren had a tremendous zest for life and was happiest when surrounded by his family and friends. His subtle sense of humour brought much wit and light entertainment to the times spent with him and the memories of those wonderful times will be cherished. He would always choose to talk of the funny side of life rather than dwell on the gloomy. He was a dutiful and caring spouse to his wife Uma, a loving father to his children Aparna and Santheep, a wonderful brother to his sisters Shyama and Vanaja and an affectionate uncle to his nieces and nephews.   

Being a diehard Thomian, he greatly valued the kinship and camaraderie he shared with his STC batch mates. He was a generous host and together with his wife Uma hosted many get togethers which will be remembered by all. The widow of a batch mate who passed away recently told me that Suren had been a tower of strength to her and was always there for her family in their darkest hours following the bereavement of her husband .The countless number of relatives and friends who flew in from different parts of the world for his funeral all in the brief time of 03 days bore ample testimony to the love with which he was held.   


Suren was indeed a very lively, sensitive, kind and gentle human being and always saw the good in every human being


Today we live in a society that encourages and advocates hedonism glorifying self-interest, narcissism amidst an ethic that admires and values unbridled ambition, amassing material possessions, the abandonment of human decency with no respect for human dignity. Rarely are we privileged to encounter an individual such as Suren whose values ran counter to the worldview of our time and age.  

Reflecting on the life of Suren we realize that the world is indeed poorer for his loss. It is hard to believe that this larger than life personality is no more yet the lives of the people he touched will inspire us to serve our fellow human beings with love, and remember that every human being has his own worth and dignity.  

Farewell dear friend & may you find eternal rest and peace.   

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