Bodhisatta in Katchateevu Island; Asceticism Defined     Follow


The origin of this episode is traceable to a sermon delivered by Lord Buddha to a benefactor of His in the midst of a large gathering of devotees whilst residing at Jetawanaramaya.   

The benefactor offered a ‘maha dana’ to the community of bhikkhus headed by Lord Buddha for seven days ending with the presentation of all necessary requisites (pirikara) to the monks.   

Buddha pronounced, “Upasaka, your donation indeed was enormous. Charity, the legend of the ancient sages is to be practised both by layman and cleric alike. The wise forest-dwelling hermits of the past offered their solitary meal of unsalted, untempered water-sprinkled kara leaves to whoever who came in search of food and basked in the happiness of their charity.”   

The benefactor exclaimed “Lord, my offering of alms and requisites to bhikkhus was manifest to everyone here, but Your pronouncement was not. Please do explain it to us.”  The Blessed one then delivered His sermon during the reign of king Brahmadatta in the long past. He was born into a Brahmin family of enormous wealth and was named Akiththi. His sister was Yasawathi. About the time the Bodhisatta concluded his studies at Taxila, their parents passed away. He thought to himself, no dead man ever took his wealth along with him but I will, and called upon his sister to take over the vast fortune of their parents.   


From the day the two of them ordained themselves and started living in a temple on a beautiful location, citizens of the kingdom in their thousands followed suit and much veneration by the masses ensued similar to that of a Buddha, as stated in the Atuwa


When she questioned him what works in his mind he confessed to her of his decision to relinquish lay life. She replied “Child, I am not willing to go down on my knees and receive what you spat out. I will follow your footstep.” Akiththi Bodhisatta opened the doors of his mansion for people to remove all the treasures within, but seeing no end to it he left the city of Benares accompanied by his sister amidst weeping relatives. The gateway they used to exit the city came to be called Akiththi portal and the port they crossed the river from, Akiththi port.   

From the day the two of them ordained themselves and started living in a temple on a beautiful location, citizens of the kingdom in their thousands followed suit and much veneration by the masses ensued similar to that of a Buddha, as stated in the Atuwa. To the Bodhisatta the newly gained fame turned out to be of great hindrance. In want of solitude, he left without informing even his sister and arrived at a garden close to Kaveera Strait of the Tamil land where he developed the six powers of supernormal knowledge (abińńa)   

Again, the popularity he gained knew no bounds and it became a bane to him. With total discontentment, he travelled through the air and descended on Kara island, the present Katchateevu near Nagadeepa. The island of Kara was then known as Abhideepa. The Bodhisatta’s sister going in search of her brother arrived on the Tamil land, but unable to find him continued to live where her brother did. She failed to develop any of the higher powers.   

Living under a Kara tree on the island, Akiththi Bodhisatta survived entirely on the fruits and leaves found on the ground. Sakka the king of gods becoming aware of his severe austerity wondered whether the ascetic aspired to become Sakkha himself or something else and came up to him in the guise of a Brahmin beggar. ‘If it is the kingship of the heavens he means he will offer the water-sprinkled Kara leaves to me, if otherwise he will not’ he thought. Overjoyed at his sight, the Bodhisatta emptied all the leaves in his bowl into that of the Brahmin, and made that rarest of wish that his offering culminates in reaching Supreme Enlightenment in the world some day. Sakka having accepted the leaves went away.   

Bodhisatta spent the rest of the day on an empty stomach immersed in the happiness of his gift. The Brahmin beggar appeared on the second and third days as well where he received the same offering. Now weak in body yet ecstatic that he has gained much merit out of Kara leaves, Bodhisatta waited near the doorway to his dwelling contemplating on his dana. Sakka too wondered, this Brahmin gives with a happy heart though hungry and weak, without an iota of change in him, must inquire what his intentions are. Past noon time the king of gods appeared in front of Bodhisatta in all his resplendent glory glistening like the youthful sun.   


Kashyapa, on account of those words of wisdom, I shall grant you a wish, do let me know it


“Hermit, what makes you practise this harsh asceticism in the hot wind blowing over the brackish water surrounding you? Is it the splendour of the human or the heavenly worlds or yet another?”   

“Sakka, sorrowful is rebirth and disintegration of body at every turn. So is confrontation of death in bedeviled mind. Therefore I practise asceticism in the hope of Nirvana where no such sorrow exists” replied Bodhisatta.   

Weary of all life this man lives in the forest in expectation of Nirvana, Sakka was happy and decided to reward him. “Kashyapaya, on account of those words of wisdom, I shall grant you a wish, do mention it”.   

“Lord of all beings, Sakka, men are never sated with all their possessions of sons, wives, wealth and other treasures. Let such avarice not dwell on me.”   

“Kashyapa, on account of those words of wisdom and reason, I shall grant you a wish. Do mention it.”   

“People come to ruin because of land, treasures, cattle, horses, slaves and workers, Sakka, Lord of all beings, let that evil not arise in me.”   

“Kassapa, on account of those words of wisdom well uttered, I shall grant you a wish, do mention it.”   

“Lord of all beings, if you grant me a wish let me never come across a lowly one, let me not hear of him, associate with him, speak with him nor ever develop a liking to him.”   


Buddha pronounced, “Upasaka, your donation indeed was enormous. Charity, the legend of the ancient sages is to be practised both by layman and cleric alike. The wise forest-dwelling hermits of the past offered their solitary meal of unsalted, untempered water-sprinkled kara leaves to whoever who came in search of food and basked in the happiness of their charity.”  


“Kashyapa tell me, what has he done to you, why do you so dislike him? Has he killed your mother or father?”   

“The lowly one directs you towards depravity, deploys you in the inappropriate, is angered by well- considered advice and reason, is intemperate.”   

“Kasyapa, on account of those words of wisdom I shall grant you a wish. Do mention it”   

“Lord of all beings, it you grant me a wish let me meet a wise man, let me always hear of him, associate with him, converse with him and continue to appreciate his acquaintance.”   

“He directs you towards righteousness, is guided by righteousness, never deploys you in the inappropriate, is never angered by well considered advice and is temperate. Association with him is rewarding.”   

“Kasyapa, on account of those words of wisdom I shall grant you a wish. Do mention it”   

“Lord of all beings, if there are pious beings worthy of food for the gods, let such food materialize in plenty in the world with dawn of the morning sun. May I never exhaust alms that I give, nor ever be repentant over it, but always be joyful.”   

“Kashyapa, on account of those words of wisdom, I shall grant you a wish, do let me know it.”   

“Sakka, lord of all beings, if you grant me my wish, never do appear before me again. That is the wish I ask of you.”

“Many are the rituals performed by men and women in this world to have a fleeting glimpse of me. What is it that you fear of me?”

“When I see the euphoric gaiety of your heavenly splendour I may lapse in the pursuit of my ascetic aspirations. That is my fear of seeing you” replied Bodhisatta.
The king of gods said “Venerable Sir, I seek your forgiveness. Never will I visit you again.” He worshipped Bodhisatta and disappeared. 

In concluding Ariththi Jathaka the Blessed one exclaimed the hermit of Katchateeva island then was He Himself and Sakka the god king was venerable Anuruddha Thero in that particular birth.   


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