Carina Antionette Marianne Corea She will always be in our minds     Follow

Carina Antoinette Marianne Corea was the only child of the Late Dr. Mrs de Sampayo. She was popularly known 
as ‘Toni’ by all.   

Toni was born on 23rd October 1934 and had her early education in several government schools. This was because her father was a transferable government servant. She completed her education at Holy Family Convent, Bambalapitiya and entered the Ceylon University where she studied for two years.   

She was initially employed as an assistant at the Economics Research Unit of the ‘Daily News’ and was later appointed as a sub-editor of the Ceylon Observer. She subsequently went on vacation to the United Kingdom, where she met and married her husband Mr Malcolm Corea in the early sixties. She followed a course in textile designing in UK. They returned to Sri Lanka in 1969. Mr Corea passed 
away in 2006.   

For many many years Malcolm and Toni were cared for by a long and caring couple. Since, Malcolm and Toni had no children, they adopted two boys, Suresh and Prakash, whom they cared for like their own children, and had them educated at St. Peter’s 
College, Bambalapitya.   

Toni was a soft-spoken, gentle, compassionate, caring and loving person. She was always meticulously dressed and visitors were always welcome to her home at Lucky Plaza.   

On the morning of her demise, we were summoned to her home as she had been quite restless and in pain from the early hours of the morning. However, by the time we rushed to see her, Toni had already breathed her last. She had passed away peacefully. We at Lucky Plaza are all going to miss Toni very much.   

May her soul rest in Peace and rise in glory.   

Anandi Balasingham   
Sylvia Perera   
Mary Babapulle   
Lucky Plaza, Colpetty     

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