Dialog helps to give vision

A team led by Neth Suwaya and Sayuru distributed custom-made spectacles to members of the fishing community on January 14, 2023


Many of the activities we enjoy every day are based on our ability to see.  

Vision contributes towards daily activities, and enables individuals to prosper and progress.   

Often, eye conditions or ailments, if left untreated or unidentified could lead to visual impairment or blindness. The timely diagnosis and treatment of such conditions, however, can result in the prevention of visual impairment at an early stage, and lead to an improved quality of life.  

1.1% of Sri Lankans over the age of 40 suffer from blindness while 300,000 individuals suffer from 
low vision.  

After the completion of Vision 2020, a global initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) for the elimination of preventable blindness by 2020, Dialog Axiata PLC launched the “Neth Suwaya” initiative as a solution to this 
social issue.  

 Dialog partnered with the Vision 2020 programme in 2015 to conduct eye-camps across the country.  
This project provided low-income communities with custom made spectacles, which will greatly assist them in engaging in daily tasks or earning a living (such as sewing, bookkeeping, or writing letters) without experiencing any difficulties.  

Following the Eye camp held in Negambo in November 2022, a team led by Neth Suwaya and Sayuru distributed custom-made spectacles to the community of 
fishing on January 14, 2023.  

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