Direction Sri Lanka suggests a way forward

Direction Sri Lanka, a civic rights organization comprising leading professionals and academics, issued a statement expressing concern over several issues including arresting those involved Aragalaya under Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) while no action has been taken against MPs who damaged the public property in parliament during the Constitutional coup in 2018.  Following are the excerpts of the statement.

1. Direction Sri Lanka is deeply concerned and vehemently opposes the utilization of the provisions of the Prevention of Terrorism Act by the State to apprehend and detain persons who have been involved in the Aragalaya.

It is the considered position of Direction Sri Lanka that the spirit and intendment of the Prevention of the Terrorism Act is only to provide additional law enforcement tools to the State to deal with terrorism and terrorist threats in its common understanding and is not meant to be used in any manner or way to curtail dissent and the freedom of expression. 

In contrast, the people of this Country are still waiting to see the Law enforced against the Members of Parliament who damaged public property in Parliament during the Constitutional Coup of 2018 and are also disappointed to note that several of the perpetrators have also recently received Ministerial Posts. 
Direction Sri Lanka also invites the attention of the authorities to the Media Interviews given by Actress Damitha Abeyratne as well as former Member of Parliament Ranjan Ramanayake. 

2. It is the considered view of the Direction Sri Lanka that the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution should be promulgated as soon as possible.

3. Direction Sri Lanka also observes that there is a narrative sought to be introduced by some that the Aragalaya was a failure. It is the position of Direction Sri Lanka that this is a completely false narrative sought to be promoted for vested collateral considerations.

4. From the very inception, it has been the position of Direction Sri Lanka that the Country urgently needs the establishment of an all-party / multi party government. 
Direction Sri Lanka once again calls upon the President, the Leader of the Opposition and the Members of the Parliament to put aside any political differences and perceived disadvantages and come together with sincerity and honesty and work together in one Cabinet in this grave and dark moment in our nation’s history. 
In this respect, we also call upon the President to offer a tangible action plan with a definitive time frame to the Opposition.

5. It was the position of Direction Sri Lanka that such an All Party / Multi Party Government should comprise 18 Cabinet Ministers and 18 Deputy Ministers.       

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