Dr Roland: A role model for architects

Desamanya Dr Roland Silva was a unique personality. I am yet to meet someone who can be compared as a close second to him. 
My association with Roland goes back to 1972 when he was President – SLIA and I were in his Council. Even at that time, I was amazed at his dynamism as he was always involved with many activities simultaneously.
I benefitted enormously by watching his style of getting work done. With Roland, even if you are reluctant to undertake what he has delegated, he will not accept such an excuse and would smile and charm you to get the work done. 
We respected Roland as he was a role model to all not only to Architects. Besides, he was a teacher and a friend. His vision for Archaeology and Conservation of the Heritage Sites and Monuments in Sri Lanka were astronomical. 
He was so knowledgeable that he knew the Geography of Sri Lanka intimately and especially, where Archeological and heritage sites and monuments were located. He was inflexible when it came to damage to any of the Archaeological Monuments or sites due to the neglect or inefficiency of any of the watchers or supervisors or officers. The site staff were on their toes when they heard of Roland’s visits. He was able to maintain some order due to his commitment and devotion to his job. 
Roland also discussed his ideas with appropriate professionals before he undertook any major or mega assignment. I recall, before him becoming the Director-General of the Central Cultural Fund (CCF) the apex body responsible for the implementation of the Cultural Triangle Projects. 
He was strategising on how to implement the different projects at Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Kandy and Dambulla as he had difficulty in mobilizing consultants for conservation and excavation due to 
budgetary constraints.  In 1985, when he checked with me regarding getting over this issue, I suggested he entrust the tasks to the 3 or 4 bigger architectural consultancy firms, I assured him that all the firms will consider working on this nationally important project by charging only for office expenses. 


" We respected Roland as he was a role model to all not only to Architects. Besides, he was a teacher and a friend. His vision for Archaeology and Conservation of the Heritage Sites and Monuments in Sri Lanka were astronomical"

Accordingly, Roland managed to convince the consultants, and all the consultants agreed and worked on the projects for many years. Similarly, to finance the initial projects, Roland needed funding and I suggested visiting a few of the large corporates and arranged and accompanied him to the meetings. 
He once again convinced the Chairman and the Directors of the Boards we met to help the CCF financially to meet part of the cost for the initial work. Two of the three corporates we visited agreed to support Roland to get the projects moving.
The rest of his achievements with the Cultural Triangle is now history and many of the recent articles about him provided the details. 
Roland, having given his innovative contributions to the Conservation and Restoration of the Heritage Sites and Monuments in Sri Lanka after his retirement ventured to serve as the World President of the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). Once again, in his characteristic style, he transformed ICOMOS by expanding the organization from 67 countries to 112 and the number of World Heritage Sites to over 500. This position he held for nine successive years.  
His scholarly work and prestigious contributions were universally recognized by many nations including Sri Lanka and also by religious, academic and professional organizations. He received many Honors of appreciation by the respective Countries.
Roland fondly calls his wife Neela - Neela Akki, for all his needs connected to his work, family and friends. Neela and the family doted on him despite the family not seeing much of Roland. Roland was their biggest love, strength and possession. 
Roland often spoke glowingly about the achievements of Neela and the children. Neela, in addition to running the house, is a National Bridge Player, son Professor Ravi – a World-renowned authority in Nano Technology. His daughter Nirma is a multi-talented exceptional professional, the twins - Amitha and Prabha believed my stories for many years, but, today they are both experts in their fields of International Marketing and Accounting. Roland’s loss has no doubt left a huge void in their lives. So will it be for us. 
May he attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana.

Surath Wickramasinghe 

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