English Writers’ Collective (EWC) - Literary Evening

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Jean Arasanayagam



An evening of poetry and prose reading with interludes of music by Sureka Amerasinghe will be staged by the English Writers Collective (EWC) on Monday December 3, 2018 in the Auditorium of the International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES), No 2, Kynsey Terrace, off Kynsey Road, Colombo 7, at 6.30 p m. The occasion felicitates Jean Arasanayagam - one of Sri Lanka’s foremost poets and prose writers and winner of the 2017 Gratiaen Prize for Creative Writing.

Jean will read from her work and address those present. Readings will also be of prize winning poems and short stories submitted to the literary competition conducted by the EWC earlier this year. To end the evening, excerpts of stories and poems of EWC members will be presented. MyrleWilliams coordinates the event.


Entrance for the programme – Rs. 200/- available at the gate.


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