Fans remember Jim Reeves 54 years after his death     Follow

The Elvis Presley Fan Club of Sri Lanka has grown to be an umbrella of fan clubs representing Ricky Nelson, Jim Reeves, Hank Snow and Abba as well. Commemorating the death anniversary of Jim Reeves is a big event to club members. 

This article appears late and our apologies to the club for that delay. But the event is taken seriously and we would like to publish what the club has sent us, including quotes from a letter written by Country and Western superstar Hank Snow after the untimely death of Jim Reeves in an air crash.  

The club mentions that Hank Snow was a good friend to other greats such as Elvis Presley. Elvis said that Hank was like a father to him. At the age of 10, Elvis sang “Old Shep,” a hit by Snow. The name of Bill Hailey figures among other famous singers helped by Snow.   

  • It would be among some of the saddest moment of my life the day that we heard Jim had been killed in a plane crash 
  • The club mentions that Hank Snow was a good friend to other greats such as Elvis Presley. Elvis said that Hank was like a father to him

The following are quotes from Hank Snow’s letter to Jim Reeves’ fans: “It would be hard to express my true feelings and thoughts about Jim in this letter, but I am sure we all have the same feeling about him. Knowing him personally for many years and working very closely with him on radio, television and road shows, I can truthfully say the name we knew him by was well chosen, Gentleman Jim. It would be among some of the saddest moment of my life the day that we heard Jim had been killed in a plane crash. I remember this as if it was yesterday and I was at that time playing a date in Missouri in the Ozarks. But we must all remember there is one consolation with the sort of life that Jim lived, we know that he is in good care with the Great Almighty and in a way we don’t feel he has gone, but feel he is in our presence and each and every day when we hear his many beautiful songs on recordings in our homes and on radio and television…. again I repeat, I am glad I am able to say he was a close friend.”  

Elvis Presley with Hank Snow

Finally, the club has sent news of a “NIC King (ultimate Elvis tribute artist winner 2007) from Australia, with the Marians and Sanuka” concert which will be held on March 2, 2019 at 8.00 pm. At Grandeeza, Negombo, featuring Nalin Perera and Sanuka Wickremasinghe along with NIC King.   

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