Felicitating Professor Vishaka Kumari Jayawardena


A felicitation ceremony organized by the Alumni Association of Labour Education, the University of Colombo to felicitate Professor Vishaka Kumari Jayawardena for her pioneering work in the national mission of establishing the Institute of Employee Education (IWE) currently named the Institute of Human Resource Advancement (IHRA), University of Colombo, was held at the Colombo Public Library Auditorium on Saturday, January 7. 

 This is the first occasion where Prof. Kumari Jayawardena was recognized by the Alumni Association of Labor Education, University of Colombo. The eminent scholar is a leading feminist activist and academic in Sri Lanka, who made immense contributions to research on political science, women’s movement, women’s studies, gender equality, plantation workers, and ethnic identity.
As a token of gratitude for her yeoman service, the Alumni Association of Labour Education decided to present the ‘Professor Kumari Jayawardena Golden Merit Award’ to the students who obtained first-class grades during the ceremony.

The keynote address on the social, political, and academic mission of Prof. Kumari Jayawardena was delivered by Mr Dhamma Dissanayake, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Politics, Colombo University.
Narada Alwis, President of the Alumni Association of Labour Education, Secretary Jinaka Jayasinghe, Treasurer L.D. Chandralal, Organizer Chanaka Kumanayake and other members of the alumni were present at the occasion.   


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