Finding Inner Peace through COVID-19     Follow

From birth, we were never promised a trouble-free life. There are challenges in everyone’s life and some challenges may seem beyond our capabilities from where we are.   Simply a child one day becomes parent,but he/she is unable to see this capability as a child.  Human beings never thought they could fly, and they did.  Challengers are there in life to test our limits and understandings.

Today we face another major challenge.   The COVID-19 situation has brought the world to a standstill. People have already begun to protect and manage the spread of the virus by sacrificing their way of life. Reducing or stopping social interactions, businesses, productions, movements, wearing of mask and many other protective gear and placing themselves under isolation.  Countries have set up partitions to protect their people and the world started to be divided.  The blame game also started to play up.

The people have become fearful. The media, including social medias, carry so much coverage and stories of this virus that a general feeling of fear began in the world.   The fear of the virus began to infiltrate our mind.   We live in a society and all of us experience thoughts.  But when the whole population started experiencing similar thoughts of fear, a major Thought Pollution, is created.


If one wishes to live in the past and look for reasons for no good reason, they are wasting time and energy. We should learn not to make the same mistake and accept the experiences in our journey


How do we clear these thoughts and escape thought pollution? 
There are many ways if you search the internet.  Firstly, move out of the ambit of fear.  Believe in yourselves that you don’t have to fear this situation.  People are recovering from the virus, hence why allow fear to cripple us.   By accepting this, we move confidently with protection as necessary.   Read what is necessary and avoid engaging in negative news and thoughts. Leave the emotion out of the messages you read.  Stop gathering rubbish knowledge and thoughts.   For those who are wanting to be the first to transmit the latest news and become a social media champ, just think what rubbish you are dumping out there.  There is a dustbin in every computer and hand-phone.   You need to find a dustbin and empty our mind to be refreshed.   This is only a start.


Survival now becomes a question of grit, faith and trust. A willingness to lessen each other’s burden and save each other.  Our forefathers survived the wars with our sacrifices and those of the country

There are people who look at someone else to blame.   Why do we need to do this?   If we harness and propagate negativity in our life and in the process, we create magnetism to attract negativity to hit us.  Thus, we really do not have to look elsewhere for accountability.  Nature is so complicated that things happen for a reason. A tsunami takes place from an earthquake.   A storm comes when nature has its need to release. Human beings also create the negative environment where bad things merge to take place. When these things take place, we accept that it has taken place and work out a plan to go through life. Blame has no part in our life journey as it is a past event. If one wishes to live in the past and look for reasons for no good reason, they are wasting time and energy. We should learn not to make the same mistake and accept the experiences in our journey.   You grow into a balanced person if you ACCEPT the situation, live and work and move forward in your life.  


ACCEPT the events as experiences for learning in your life
 Once we accept the situation, we start to look for the bigger picture, the next step and survival.  There is a saying that if a tiger chases a few people, you just make sure you are not the last.  But in life, it is never like that. You would not be able to live with the fact that you sacrifice your friend.  We have a responsibility within us to ensure everyone is safe. That’s the starting point of choices in life. The feeling for others must be more than yourself.    
Under these COVID-19 circumstances, the key question that comes to a person is about his job security.  Will he or she lose their jobs?  When everything is shutting down for two months and going to take further six months for a viable direction, there are suffered losses to mitigate.

If we choose to look from another perspective, then perhaps workers can tell their bosses that they are willing to cut their pay to help the company to survive through these times. Employers can help their customers out with the savings and sharing of losses and move up the chain. A concept of keeping everyone temporarily safe by everyone taking a share of the losses. This is a management minefield, especially in the private sector.  

In our recent lifetime, we did not have such an experience and go into suspension like the COVID-19 situation.   Hence in this new situation, we will have to embrace a total new thinking on the basis on the survival of all.  Survival now becomes a question of grit, faith and trust.   A willingness to lessen each other’s burden and save each other.  Our forefathers survived the wars with our sacrifices and those of the country..

The government can start by placing conditions and principles of survival and reviewing lay off approaches by companies to limit this fallout.   Employees also will have to be prepared to embrace the temporary reduction in income and benefits to sail through these periods.  

When humans reach out and help each other and embrace each other for survival, irrespective of race, language, religion, country, colour or sex, then we are ready to move to the next stage.

Instead of being stressed out by being confined in our private place, we can learn to look at things positively, remove our negativity, become fresh, accept the situation, forgive the misgivings, love and embrace each other and spend time to find peace within us.  The writer is a promoter of meditation and the journey to inner peace.   Understanding the world away from the intellectual concept.

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