God’s plans aren’t always what we expect

Trevinne De Silva

It was Trevinne’s faith in God the almighty that was the defining feature of his personality


While working at a funeral firm, I have heard many eulogies and many speeches made by the friends and families of the deceased. Often the thought crosses my mind that I too will one day need to address a gathering at the funeral of someone dear to me. But I was mistaken in believing that such moments are still decades ahead of me because here I am paying tribute to Trevinne De Silva; an incredible human being whom I had the privilege of calling my friend. 

I first met Trevinne while at Law school. I came to regard him as a person whom I could rely on. He was a trustworthy, compassionate and reliable friend whom, on rare occasions, cracked jokes. But it was Trevinne’s faith in God the almighty that was the defining feature of his personality. 


To this day I thank God that I had a friend like Trevinne who was always there to support me, and to remind be about God’s love for me, and how he has a grand plan for me, and that times of hardships are only temporary. Eventually, by God’s grace I overcame these challenges

A few months later, I entered a very distressful period in my personal life. To this day I thank God that I had a friend like Trevinne who was always there to support me, and to remind me about God’s love for me, and how he has a grand plan for me, and that times of hardships are only temporary. Eventually, by God’s grace I overcame these challenges, and developed a more personal relationship with my faith. There is no doubt in my mind that Trevinne’s support, his daily bible quotes and his prayers contributed immensely to my recovery. Unfortunately I never got the chance to return the favour. 

A few years later God blessed me with an amazing partner, and when the time came to prepare for our wedding, I told my fiancé, that I need Trevinne to be among the 5 men who would stand beside me when we start a new chapter in our lives. Should God bless us with a child one day, I wanted that child to know uncle Trevinne and to learn from him about God and how to stay true to your faith. But the God that Trevinne and I loved so much had other plans for him. The duties I had planned to bestow upon him are now mine to execute. 

On the 30th of August 2021, Jason, a mutual friend, contacted me in the night and told me that he was gone. I was in shock. Walking into office and writing the name of one of my best friends on the order book was among the worst experiences of my life. 

I never had the honour of meeting with and talking to aunty Suneetha, but a woman who, along with uncle Tyronne, was able to raise a God fearing man such as Trevinne would have undoubtedly been an amazing mother and an amazing wife and companion to uncle. We mere humans will never understand why God allows certain things to happen the way they do. 

Dear uncle Tyronne, look around you, this is just a glimpse of the family you have now. They are your sons, your daughters, and they are your companions, they will be beside you for the rest of your life. As Trevinne would often tell me when I sought his advice on problems in my life, “Machang, You are not alone” 

Rest easy my friend. We cannot see you anymore, but as Chief Seattle once said, “There is no death, only a change of worlds” 
To my dearest friend, 
from Kevin Raymond

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