Historic judgement to political impasse - The glorious star shone over SL

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The star that shone over Bethlehem when Christ was born came to us in the prelude to Christmas, inspiring an independent judiciary whose historic judgement has brought them accolades from all over the world. 

All of us who prayed unceasingly through day and night, ever since that blackest of Fridays on October 26, have to thank God Almighty for yet another miracle. We also owe a debt of deep gratitude to our panel of Judges who stood firm and unwavering in their unanimous judgement and to civil society who played their part stronger than they ever had before,in their steadfast, courageous stand on this issue which badly affected the country as a whole. It was a clear stand for democracy, for what is right and not for who is right.   

This has been a lesson, although bitterly learned at the expense of the country and the people. It should be clear to one and all that the executive Presidency must go, the sooner the better. We cannot allow personal vendetta’s stemming from the whims and fancies of one individual to hold the country to ransom. I quoted two political Giants of the past, the late Dudley Senanayake and the late Dr. Colvin R. de Silva in a previous article on this issue. I didn’t know then that when the late Colvin warned the late President Jayawardene about what would happen if the wrong man was elected executive President, JR had said ‘Que Sera sera’ which means ‘whatever will be, will be’. Colvin’s riposte had been.’ No Dicky, whatever I say will be’.


We also owe a debt of deep gratitude to our panel of Judges who stood firm and unwavering in their unanimous judgement and to civil society who played their part stronger than they ever had before,in their steadfast, courageous stand on this issue which badly affected the country as a whole

This prediction has now come to pass so many years after their deaths. We also have to thank the international community, for taking the stand they did in not recognizing the illegal government, for warning tourists not to come here, for holding back aid and investment.It’s all very well for some who think they know everything to comment that there should be no interference from foreign powers. But the truth of the matter is that countries like ours cannot exist on our own, we need aid, we need investment and we need tourism. In these circumstances,the international communities, particularly those who believe in democracy, have every right to say what they feel and act accordingly.   

By removing the rightfully elected Prime Minister who was elected in keeping with the constitution, without whose help and support, he would never have been elected President and venting his venom against him time and time again in an undignified manner, for one in his position, the President has only helped Ranil to create another record. Previously, he and late Dudley, both shared the honour of being Prime Minister four times. Now Ranil has beaten this record and become PM for the fifth time.   

Even Ranil’s most vociferous critics must admit that no-one but he, could have handled and got over this crisis as he did with two cunning politicians as his protagonists. He never slandered his slanderers back, never lost his cool, remained calm and collected through the traumatic experience in which he was the chief victim. He was targeted with the vilest of abuse, but never even lost his sense of humour, which I was once the victim of in the midst of the crisis! This is a mark of greatness, Ranil Wickremesinghe as a man and as a politician is the genuine article, made of stuff which cannot be bought. These qualities of self control and self discipline have been instilled in him from childhood. His long experience as a lawyer, working under a great name in that field of that time,the late H.W. Jayewardene, his working closely with JR and the late President Premadasa in politics to whom he was very loyal, when others broke away, was when he gained experience in governance, his being widely read on a wide spectrum of subjects, ranging from history, politics, literature, music, has given him a wider dimension on issues which few other politicians today possess. He always remained loyal to the party,led it through the worst times. 


  • We must thank the international community, for taking the stand for not recognizing the illegal government
  • Ranil, as a man and as a politician is the genuine article, made of stuff which cannot be bought
  • He never slandered his slanderers back, never lost his cool, remained calm and collected through the traumatic experience in which he was the chief victim


Insiders say he was able to go through every aspect of the recent case, advise the lawyers, although he has never taken any credit but thanked instead, all those who stood for firmly and fought for democracy. Another fact I must mention, although I may get the sharp end of his tongue for doing so, is that when it was decided to give a gift of cash of Rs. One million to late Lester James Pieris. The government said it could give half the amount. He gave the remaining Rs. 500,000 from his personal savings account. I cannot think of any other politician who would have done this. He is a forgiving person and has always forgiven and even rewarded those who have stabbed him in the back. 

This I think stems from his childhood, he comes from a home where one parent was a Buddhist while the other a christian. He is a Buddhist like his mother, is well read on Buddhism and has always been a devout Buddhist, but he is influenced to a certain extent in his thinking by Christianity too. 

The myth spread by enemies of his unpopularity was proved a lie at the last election when he polled 500,000 votes, the largest ever in that election. There is in his reaction to the slander thrown at him a similarity to Christ’s word on the cross. 

“Father forgive them they know not what they do.”   

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