Holy Prophet’s Birthday “The means of approach to Allah” – Waseela

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We as believers should seek the means of approach to Allah. This was practiced by our ancestors from time to time. Let us research this in the light of Al-Qur’an and other authentic books.   


“Guide us in the straight path. (Chapter-Fathiha, Verse – 5)

“Whoso obeys the messenger, has indeed obeyed Allah, and whoso turns away his face, then we have not sent you to save them”. (C hapter-AL-Nisa, Verse – 08)

“O believers! Obey Allah and Obey the messenger, and those who have power of command amongst you”. (Chapter – Al-Nisa, Verse – 59)

“And we have not sent any messenger, but that he should be obeyed by Allah’s will. And if when they do injustice unto their souls, then O beloved they should come to you and then beg forgiveness of Allah and the messenger should intercede for them, then surely, they would find Allah Most Relenting, Merciful.” (Chapter – Al-Nisa, Verse – 64)

“O believers! Fear Allah and seek the means of approach to him and strive his way, happily you may get prosperity.” (Chapter – Maida, Verse – 35)

These authorities are good enough to seek the means of approach to Allah.   

Let us see what Imaam Shafiee (Rah) says about this in his book Shifaus Sikaam, page – 134.   

He says waseela can be classified in to three sections. Let us see the example given below!   

“O God! Relieve my sickness for sake of Seyyed Abdul Qadir Jeelani (Radi).” This is one method.   

“Ya Muhiyadden! Pray for me to relieve my sickness from God!” This is the second method.   

“Ya Muhiyaddeen! Ya Ghouzul A’lam! You are the representative of God who possesses His power. Therefore no way for me except you. Please You relieve my sickness” This is the third method that we ask him directly.  

These three methods are acceptable according to the said book of Imaam Shafiee (Rah).   

Therefore it is crystal clear that to approach Allah, we should seek the means of approach to Him.   

Let us follow the path of our ancestors!   

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