Interesting facts about the first Dagaba in Sri Lanka

Mahiyangana Miyugunaseya

Mahaweli Ganga which flows wild and fast from the plains of the central hills moves slowly and calmly through the plains of Bandanna where the country’s earliest dagaba, Miyuguna seya or Mahiyangana chetiya is situated. The Pali term for Bintenna is Mahiyangana which is Miyuguna in Sinhalese. Hence, Bintenna, Mahiyangana and Miyuguna are names used to identify the same place where the famous dagaba stands. At present Mahiyangana is a sacred place which is the first in the list of “Solosmasthana”.


The war waged against the Tamil invaders by King Dutugemunu for the unification of the country was initiated from Mahiyangana


During the Anuradhapura period Mahiyangana was a strategic point on the route to the North from Magama in the South of the country. The war waged againt the Tamil invaders by King Dutugemunu for the unification of the country was initiated from Mahiyangana. The inhabitants of the area provided the fullest support to the king encouraging him to win the war. Earlier it was a strong hold of king Elara.

Kings belonging to the “Lambakarna dynasty: Sanghatissa, Sanghabodhi (Sirisangabo) and Gotabhaya had come to Anuradhapura from Mahiyangana. Mahiyangana Willupiiya was the birth place of King Rajasinghe II. There is evidence to the fact that Mahiyangana –(Bintenna  ) had been the land of royal dynasties.

However, the above are only subsidiary reasons which contributed to the importance of Mahiyangana. Most importantly, by setting foot on it, Mahiyangana is sacred to Buddhists being the first place in Sri Lanka purified by the Enlightened One by setting foot there.

Nine months after His Enlightenment Buddha subdued the arrogant Kassapa brothers, Uruwela Kassapa, Nadi Kassapa, Gaya Kassapa and their one thousand followers and after instituting them on the path to emancipation. This took place on the first Duruthu Full Moon Poya day after His Enlightenment.

Establishing Buddhism in the land of Lanka
Buddha with His divine eye saw the need to subdue Yakkhas and to establish Buddhism in the land of Lanka. At the invitation of God Sumana Saman the Enlightened One appeared at Mahiyangana Maha Naga Uyana. This was at a time when the Yakkhas had assembled for a meeting. Buddha stood there radiating rays of light from His body more pleasant than moon light forming a rainbow –like halo around His body.
When Yakkha soldiers saw the Buddha they were angry mistaking Him for an invader and immediately took up arms.  They soon realised that the Buddha was a supernatural being and turned submissive. They obeyed the Buddha and begged for pardon.

Having come to know of Buddha’s visit to Mahiyangana Devas and Brahmas arrived in great numbers. The Enlightened One preached Dharma to them. God Sumana Saman who understood the Dharma attained the state of Sowan, the first in a process of four steps observed on the way to gaining Nibbana. 

In response to the request made byGod Sumana Saman for an article of worship Buddha gave him  the hair relic which he  enshrined in a dagaba seven cubits in height. According to legends this is the first ever place of worship in Sri Lanka.    

Arahant Sarabu Maha Thera, pupil of Sariputta Maha Thera brought the collar bone relic of the Enlightened One (Greva Dhatu) to Sri Lanka and enshrined it in Mahiyngana Chetiya which was constructed by God Sumana Saman. The Dagaba was reconstructed by Arahant Sarabha Maha Thera to the height of twelve cubi ts.

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