International forum highlights long trek by Malays

‘The International Forum on Diaspora and Sri Lanka Malays’ was held on August 3

The topic at the forum for discussion was on the concept of the Malay World and the diaspora

Prof. Hussainmiya elaborated on the history of the Malays in Sri Lanka

‘The International Forum on Diaspora and Sri Lanka Malays’ which was organised by the Sri Lanka Malay Association in collaboration with the World Malay-Polynesian Organization was held on August 3.

The topic at the forum for discussion was on the concept of the Malay World and the diaspora. The symposium comprised a keynote session chaired by Dato Dr. Ahmed Murad Merican, Professor of Social and Intellectual history. The keynote speakers were Prof. Emeritus Dato Dr. Wan Hashim, Dean of Faculty of Defence Studies and Management NDUM and Prof. B.A. Hussainmiya, a historian. These speeches were followed by a panel discussion. The moderator at the event was Taslim Rahaman. The Panelist comprised Prof. Dr Wan Hashim, Prof. Hussainmiya, Al Haj Wan Johari and Brig T M Bohoran (Retd).
Prof. Hussainmiya elaborated on the history of the Malays in Sri Lanka, starting from how the Malays moved to this island and how they established their community as one that would be ready to serve the country that they reside in no matter being non-natives. He further highlighted the service rendered by Malay soldiers in the country’s tri-forces since British rule in Ceylon and till now.
The panel discussion mainly focused on how the Malays have spread across the world and how they’ve remained to maintain their culture, customs and lifestyle. The discussion also underscored that the Malays have been recognised as a trustworthy community due to their kind gestures that have earned the trust of the people. 


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