It was a long trek for Dr.Cyril in Taekwondo

Students of Dr. Cyril Antony are seen presenting a demonstration in Taekwondo  


When Dr. Cyril Antony introduced Taekwondo to Sri Lanka on December 12, 1976 he had a vision to spread the sport across the country. In December last year (2021) he was the centre of attraction when celebrations took place to mark the sport’s 45th year in existence with a ceremony at his residence in Wattala which was attended by his students, teachers and well-wishers. 

Going down memory lane back to 1976 it was an era when there was a craze for martial arts, thanks to the Kung Fu based films shown in Sri Lanka. Antony initially tried his luck at karate, but when he got the opportunity to travel to Canada and meet the founder of Taekwondo-General Choi Hong Hi- he grabbed the opportunity. There he learned the rudiments of the sport and later arrived in Sri Lanka to promote the sport. 

He initially introduced it to his friends, relations and fellow students. Given that the sport was new there was this inclination in his chargers to try something novel. The sport spread fast in the island and Dr. Cyril started classes in Colombo, Badulla, Wattala, Kuliyapitiya, Ratnapura and Kandy. He promoted the sport through his ‘club’ named Sri Lanka Taekwondo Association. 
Dr. Cyril’s efforts in promoting the sport received a boost when he got to officiate in the World Taekwondo Championships in USA; in 1978. He considers the period between 1978 to 1983 as the ‘Golden Era’ of Taekwondo in Sri Lanka. 

In 1982 Dr. Cyril registered Taekwondo as a sport under the Sports Ministry of Sri Lanka. Two years later he got affiliation for Taekwondo with the ministry of sports thus giving birth to the Sri Lanka Taekwondo Federation (SLTF). 
But his smooth run in promoting and administrating the sport received a jolt in 1996. That was when the then sports minister suspended the registration of the SLTF. No reason was given for this action. Dr. Cyril was left with no option, but to pursue his dream in promoting the sport through his ‘club’-the Sri Lanka Taekwondo Association. 

As the years rolled on he qualified as a doctor in acupuncture and was also bestowed with the title Deshamanya by the Government of Sri Lanka. He spent time healing the ill through his alternative medicine practice and when not in his clinic he trained students to condition their minds and bodies.”Taekwondo has a rhythmic movement and does not cause that much harm to the body like karate. Taekwondo also helps to build up fitness,” said Dr. Cyril. 
According to him exponents of Taekwondo stand to be benefited largely because it is an Olympic sport. At present Dr. Cyril has spread the sport far and wide in the country. He said that there are eight qualified instructors and more than 200 committed students who are under his tutelage. 

However despite his successes in promoting Taekwondo Dr. Cyril has some bitterness regarding the Sports Ministry suspending the registration of the Sri Lanka Taekwondo Association. “The Sri Lankan authorities had no right to suspend our registration because they didn’t help us or fund us. All the help was given to the federation by the Korean authorities and it seemed that these Sri Lankan authorities wanted to be in position to receive that aid was coming our way. Now when I visit the Sport Ministry’s Auditorium (archives) they tell me that there is no record to show that the registration of the Sri Lanka Taekwondo Federation was suspended,” said a bitter Dr. Cyril. 
He said that when looking back at the obstacles faced by him he feels that the sport of Taekwondo has done pretty well.

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