Lester Fonseka: Tribute to a gentleman par excellence

He was a rare gem in the public service and his honesty and integrity were unquestionable


The Passing away of the legendry Lester Fonseka, a gentleman of great credit and renown, left a huge void which

Lester Fonseka

can be never filled.  That fateful Saturday evening in June the world lost a gentleman of great learning, a classics scholar, linguist, author, orator, Toast master, counsellor and above all a gentleman par excellence. 

Born to a distinguished family, he commenced his school career at St Peter’s College and subsequently joined Royal College Colombo. His brilliant performance at the HSC exam won him a scholarship to the University of Ceylon (Colombo) where he read classics for his degree. After graduating he joined the Inland Revenue Department which he jokingly referred to as the “Income Removal Department” where he rapidly rose to the position of Acting Commissioner General. He was a rare gem in the public service and his honesty and integrity were unquestionable. 


"His knowledge of Classics and English literature was beyond comparison. He was a modern day Shakespeare. He was also fluent in French and Spanish having lived in Spain for many years. Latin words flowed freely from his vocabulary.  He was the author of the book ‘Vade Mecum"

He was a shining example to the other public servants of this country to emulate. When a wealthy and powerful business tycoon and the owner of a multi-national conglomerate was faced with tax disputes caused by injustice, Lester stepped in and sorted the matter in a just and equitable manner. A powerful politician during that time was not in favour of this. Lester stood up for justice and fair play in the matter which resulted in his resignation from the department; losing the opportunity to be the head of the department. However, he was duly recognised by the highest in the land who appointed him as the Chairman of the National Savings Bank and the State Gem Corporation.

I was introduced to Lester by my father who was a close friend of his. I was enthralled by his charm, elegance and utmost courtesy towards all.  His knowledge of Classics and English literature was beyond comparison. He was a modern day Shakespeare. He was also fluent in French and Spanish having lived in Spain for many years. Latin words flowed freely from his vocabulary.  He was the author of the book “Vade Mecum” a Latin expression (Be my companion) which is an anthology of thoughts captured over the years by him.

We shared a common interest in writing and the advice and guidance he gave me are invaluable. Lester touched the hearts and minds of everyone whom he associated with. He was always available to anyone who sought his help and advice. He looked for the best in everyone. He did not give himself any airs because of the high esteem he was held in society, but rather wore humility as his crown. He was a father figure to many who belong to the younger generation and sought his advice and counselling.

He was the founder Chairman of the Charles and Muriel de Soysa  Trust. Under his dynamic leadership amongst other projects, the Trust built and donated a 24-bed hospital ward to the Lunawa Hospital, a library for the people of Moratuwa and a building- comprising classrooms- for Prince of Wales College Moratuwa.  He also silently helped numerous people who were in financial distress. His generous nature extended far beyond his family and friends. “Do charity by stealth and blush to find its fame” was his motto.

Lester was blessed with a loving family. His wife Preethi, his daughters Nayanthara and Roshanara, son-in-law Ranjith Page, and his two grandchildren, Rhaya and Randhir gave him the best of care, love and attention.  Whenever he was asked how he was feeling, in his own inimitable style he would always reply “I am looking down on creation” implying that he was on top of the world.
He was a great humanist and the legacy he left behind will immensely benefit this generation and the generations yet unborn. He will always live in the hearts and minds of all the people whose lives he touched.
Goodbye Sir, until we meet again. May blissful peace be with you forever.

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