Linnette de S. Wijeyeratne You are our angel who will always continue to protect us     Follow

The morning light comes stealing - To start a new day
Out there the world is waiting - To take you far away 

We thank God everyday for blessing us with you as our amazing mom. However, time with you will never be enough, we will always wish for one more hug, one more laugh, but above all, for one more day! With your last breath the world around us has tumbled with no one to call mom. 

Daughter of the late Dorothy and Artie Peiris of Moratuwa, a descendant of the late C.H. de Soysa and wife of Sherad. I am sure she would have been the oldest living past pupil of Ladies College, Colombo 7. As a mother to a dozen, mother-in-law to nine, grand and great grandmother to twenty-one, you embedded your footprint effortlessly and with grace. 

Your love and courage changed our lives; during challenging times you stood by us like the rock of Gibraltar. You were meticulous in household chores, our best chef, and seamstress. You laboured night and day to make new dresses for each daughter, especially to wear for midnight mass on Christmas day. You were so proud to see us wearing your creations, but we in return started comparing and whined when we should have praised your tireless efforts and hugged you. Mom, you brushed it aside saying that’s part and parcel of growing up, and we soon learnt this lesson when we became moms. 

When Anne was sick, you called us and said “manage the household chores as my priority is being with my sick child.” You were with her in hospital straight for nine months. All that you taught us enabled us to carry on with Dad captaining the ship. You sacrificed so much to put her back to good health but God had other plans. As a mother, witnessing the loss of her child must have been terrible, but you remained resilient. We are sure with her parting, a part of your world would have collapsed and since then, at every family function, you would have shed a silent tear; however, you showed us a brave face. 

When Dad passed away three decades ago, there were so many incomplete tasks thrust upon you and only God knows the inner strength you had to complete them. Your strength and smile even on darkest days made us realise you were the impenetrable support system protecting and guiding us. You are our angel who will always continue to walk and protect us. 


As a mother to a dozen, mother-in-law to nine, grand and great grandmother to twenty-one, you embedded your footprint effortlessly and with grace

For you, the precious gift was your dozen and the extended family. You loved us immensely and your happiness was to be surrounded by us and reminisce the pranks we did during our childhood. 

God said “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” but I am sure mom, you did not want to leave your special child – Naomi; you held on tight until all your strength was gone, and could no longer hold on, but finally you slipped away quietly. We promise you mom, we will take care of her as you did and we are sure you will look down upon her from heaven and be her newest guardian angel from now on. 

As you take your last journey which is our toughest walk, we thank you dear Lord for this gorgeous gift wrapped with grace, love, patience, compassion, humility that was handed over to us. Thank you mom for being our biggest fan, nightingale, guru and best friend. We miss you but assure you that we will carry on with your memories forever until we meet in that land where there is no parting. Until then, goodbye and rest in peace! Love you loads! 

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