‘Maila Path Samanallu’ Poetry that touches on deep human emotions

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In his collection of poetry ‘Maila Path Samanallu’ Sujeewa Sirimewan touches on different layers of the human emotions. Starting with an unconventional foreword and a dedication he offers the reader an experience of a different dimension.

The first poem in the collection looks at the moonbeams from a different perspective. When the world has seen moonbeams through its color and the melancholy feeling it gives, in his poem ‘Sanda Ras Laatu Laatu’ Sujeewa sees moonbeams as something which remain even after disappearing. As he does this he exposed us to a different dimension on the beauty of the moon. Even though the lover has left the guy who is narrating the poem, realises the remaining beauty of the moonbeams; which has the effect of glue that has stuck everywhere. Yet the lover is gone. This contradiction itself disturbs the mind of the reader and makes him have empathy towards the narrator.

Sujeewa offers ‘Aththadanguwata’ as the second poem.



The title which translates into ‘Remanded’ in English offers the same nostalgic feelings as the first one. In a way his poetries lullaby the reader, landing him or her into a  world of unbearable loss. But at the same time the theme ‘finding fulfillment when knowing love’ is carried throughout the book. All throughout the collection of poetries the writer showcases his skills to relate. The feelings one has for love when in remand are brought out well in the poem displaying the skills of a wordsmith.

In the peom ‘Umbata baya hithenne nadda’ (aren’t you afraid) the writer brings out the changes in the common surrounding following separation. The dishes being in disarray, the loss of love and the breakup of a family are all detailed with a touch of tender human emotion. At the same time losing the narrator’s children due to the separation is combined with the fairytale like elements thus ending the poem with a question. It takes us back and forth through our own surroundings and to our childhood in a flash and at the same time shocks the reader by posing a question.
While shock waves are vibrating in reader’s memory, the narrator takes the former on a tour into the world of bare human emotions; caused due to losing physical contact with the person he loves and mentioned in his next poem. The sheer loneliness of sleeping alone in a bed made of loss is highlighted in the poem ‘ Mata dan epa wela’ ( I’m fed up now).

The bliss of solitude is explored in the poem ‘Gmburu Muhudaka Hudakala Wemi’ (I’ll isolate myself in the deep sea) with the underlying message of the lover being lost in another world. The separation of two worlds is explored within the solitude itself.

‘Obath Nowana Maath Nowana’ is one of the best creations in the collection where a train station is viewed through a different dimension, giving rise to the thought of long lost love. Here the poet puts in much effort in order to pull at the hearts strings of the reader.

In his poem’ Handaawa’ (Evening) the writer feels the nature. Here the concept of evening is viewed with a new perception. The impermanent nature of life is viewed within a glass of Brandy. ‘ Kalela’ ( Scar) is a poem in which he touches on a scar which is physical as well as well as mental. The poet longs for a past through the memories evoked by a scar. This is one significant example of his skill to create poetry out of otherwise insignificant themes in life.

“Wassak Anda Siththara’ ( When the rain created art) is a poem where the reader is made to view something from different viewpoints. Dominik Chandrasali, one of the poets and artist in Sri Lanka is referred to in this poem. This is one of the techniques Sujeewa uses in his collection of poetries the art of introducing other poets who are in his inner circle. In this poem, based on the rain, traditionally where rain can be viewed as an impressive scenario, the writer creates a story in the mind of the reader. Rain is viewed as something painted by a painter literally and figuratively as well. The underlining message here is that rain itself is a painter.

‘Oyai Magen Ahane’ (You are asking me) is a poem where sensual desires mix with love. The poem has the effect of a hot coffee on a rainy day.
‘Maga Areema’ (Avoiding) is a piece of writing where nostalgic memories are evoked in the reader’s mind as well. This is one of the poems where the reader easily relate to given that there are much missed moments in our lives.

Usually we would relate to the ‘Wesak Poya Day’ (full moon day) in a manner in which we would only observe the beauty of the full moon. Here Sujeewa brings in a Wesak full Moon which is the same for a lagoon in the war-torn North, where the sound of bombs are reverberating in the mind while the South is devastated by a flood. The Wesak full moon will never be viewed in the same light again.

Solitude and loneliness of a flower are depicted with ‘ Padi Pela Pamula Kaha Paata Mala’ ( Yellow flower at the foot of the staircase). This is another example where the writer uses a different dimension to absorb feelings of loneliness.

Winter is a time we get to see a snow-filled wonderland, yet the writer sees only dreary weather where everything is cold and dark. Only love can warm the cold feeling of the winter in, ‘Irthu’ (Seasons).

The triangle of love is a traditional concept explored by many writers, but Sujeewa explores this concept in a dimension unparalleled to others.

‘Thrikona’ (Triangle) is where he explores this concept in a fresh dimension where the desire of a women is towards another woman. And the narrator is in love with the women, seeing the ladylike features but underneath there being the behaviour of a man. Imitation fails in the eyes of the narrator. This has to be rated as a gem of a poem in his collection.

He touches on controversial themes regarding sexual desires, sexual differences and emotions. No two poems are the same and each one highlights a different dimension. He never looks at the same object or human emotion in the same manner or in a traditional sense. Reading the collection of poetry ‘ Maila Path Samanallu’ gives the reader the feeling of riding on one wave while also touching on bare naked human emotions.

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