Mrs. Oslin Wimala Seneviratne My mother-in-law was the best second mother     Follow

It was a very sad occasion to all family members, relatives and residents of Meevitigammana in Attanagalla, when Mrs. Oslin Wimala Seneviratne (nee Alagiyawanna) bade farewell, ending her long and devotional life at the venerable age of 93 years. The large gathering that was present during the funeral bears ample testimony of their respect and love towards her.   

Mrs. O.W Seneviratne and her husband Mr. G.W.G. Seneviratne who predeceased her in 1998, were blessed with one daughter Namalika, eldest in the family and three sons, Palitha, Jayantha and Nalaka. By virtue of my marriage to Jayantha in 1980, I had the good fortune of not only joining the Seneviratne clan of Attanagalla but also more importantly to associate with the very lovable parents of my husband.   

It was during the very early stage of my marriage in which time, I had to adjust myself to live without my parents and siblings in Haputale and get acclimatize to the new life in Colombo. I realized the kind, caring and cheerful disposition of the senior Seneviratnes’, which gave me the lovely feeling of having a second father and mother in Colombo. As a new comer to the Seneviratne family, it was undoubtedly Amma’s loving kindness and care that made me feel at ease and at home all the way. As such, I would always with much love and due respect consider her as my second mother. Every one of us respected and loved Amma, who was also a tower of strength to all of us.   

It isn’t very often that one feels completely at ease about the relationships with ones’ mother-in-law. I am absolutely lucky and fortunate and so are the other daughters-in-law, Krishanthi, Jayanthi and the one and only son-in-law Lakshman Jayawardhana, to be those happy individuals with a second mother, who loved and cared unconditionally. She never considered for a moment that we were partners of her children.   

Amma would always listen to us and offered guidance and advise whenever we needed them. She never told me that I was doing something wrong or pushed her opinion about child-rearing, housekeeping or on any other issue. In short she let me be me and this applied to all others as well. She always encouraged happiness among all our families and treated all of us alike.   

There are so many others, who will miss her specifically the vast number of residents in Meevitigammana and Urapola, to whom she was very kind and helpful. She continued with the social work from where her late husband stopped, without any fanfare or publicity. Whoever visited her for whatever purpose were not disappointed. A cup of tea or a meal, depending in their time of visit was always an offer. On their departure, Amma would always bless them with “Theruwan Saranai”.   

Amma was a devout Buddhist and was always involved in the lay societies of temples in the area. The Poson poya Dansala at Abayagiri Viharaya, graded as one of the best in Anuradhapura was initiated and organized by Thaththa and Amma way back in 1992. Even after the demise of Thaththa in 1998, Amma saw to the continuation of this momentous event along with family members which completed 26 years in 2018.   

Amma was very fond of her grandchildren and took turns to stay with each family for a few weeks, when she was physically fit, she was quite proud and happy to see her seven great grandchildren and needless to mention that “Muththamma” was their most favourite and welcomed visitor. The grandchildren most of whom are married, are sure to miss their lovable personality now.   

Though we know that you are no more with us, yet the very pleasant and unforgettable memories that you have left behind, through your charismatic character, are sure to remain for as long as we live.   

May she attain the supreme bless of Nirvana
Mekala Seneviratne 

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