Palestinian People Look for their Own Land: Glorious History and Legitimate Position in the World


"I call on all the Muslims of the world to select as al-Quds Day the last Friday in the holy month of Ramadan — which is itself a determining period and can also be the determiner of the Palestinian people’s fate to demonstrating the solidarity of Muslims world-wide"


The last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan marks the International Quds Day.   
The late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini in 1979 called the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as International Quds Day saying:   
“I ask all the Muslims of the world and the Muslim governments to join together to sever the hand of this usurper and its supporters. I call on all the Muslims of the world to select as al-Quds Day the last Friday in the holy month of Ramadan — which is itself a determining period and can also be the determiner of the Palestinian people’s fate to demonstrating the solidarity of Muslims world-wide.”   

The International Quds Day is the manifestation of Palestinian refugees and prisoners cries of innocence and call for justice over the oppression and persecution of the anti-human Zionist regime, which during the nearly 70 years of its life has committed a large number of crimes against humanity. So far, a large number of Palestinians have been massacred, millions of families displaced, and thousands of others tortured in Israeli jails.   
The Zionists attempt to make divisions in the Muslim world to achieve their goals.Therefore, the Muslim and Arab nations need to preserve their unity against the anti-human regime of Israel and discern their common enemy with profound insight. On the other hand, they have to stay extremely vigilant against any plots by the Zionists and their international sponsors to deviate them from the path of resistance and restoration of the rights of the oppressed Palestinians.   

Unfortunately, the policies and measures by some countries in the region serve the interest of Israel and other terrorist groups. Such policies not only shatter the Muslim world unity, but also pave the way for Israel’s further aggression and accomplish its settlement projects, transform the historical and cultural identity of Quds, destroy the al-Aqsa Mosque and displace the non-Jewish residents of al-Quds. With their non-stop attempts to take the issue of Palestine off the agenda of the Muslim World, the Zionist regime is now drawing on the divisions within the Muslim states to carry out its projects in the occupied Palestinian territories and beyond.   
The Israeli regime is trying to deceive the world’s public opinion by pretending to be an advocate of peace and even normalizing relations with some regional countries.   
The recent and so called peace plan proposed by President Donald Trump to resolve the Israeli – Palestinian conflict known as the “Deal of the century” is a new plot hatched to deprive the Palestinian people of their legitimate rights. Although Details of Trump’s deal have not yet been officially released but it seems it has not addressed the Quds, independent Palestinian state and its sovereignty, West Bank settlements and the refugees issue.   

Following Trump’s decision to recognize al - Quds as the Israeli capital and moving US embassy in Tel Aviv to al-Quds, Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority said: “al - Quds is not for sale and I will never accept US peace plan. Donald Trump’s deal of the century is the blow of the century and we will never agree with it. The deal is a US plot. We don’t accept US as a peace mediator.”   
Therefore, any peace plan which does not meet Palestinians’ legitimate expectations for an independent country in their mother land will only deteriorate the Middle East critical situation and will undermine the stability of the region.   

Islamic Republic of Iran while expressing its solidarity with the Palestinian cause, reiterates the important responsibility of the International community, the UN in particular to end the organized occupation of Palestine and the holy al-Quds and to help the Palestinian people achieve their right to self-determination and establish an independent Palestinian state.   
After more than 70 years of occupation of Palestine, International communities are expected to take a decisive step to end the occupation and the Zionist regime’s aggressions and pave the way for the return of the displaced Palestinians to their mother land and hold a referendum with participation of the original inhabitants including Muslims, Christians and Jews to determine their political system.   

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