Prianca Perera Beautiful memories that will remain in our lives     Follow

The air is cool and crisp, as a sublime breeze blows from the mountainside towards the patio into my room. I think of our dear friend Prianca who suddenly passed away on that Monday night, the first of October. 

The weekend before we had received an e:mail from him, telling us that he would not be able to be with us for Christmas as he was on the threshold of working on a new venture with a friend. When my neighbour from Colombo called us with the news, we were stunned to hear of his sudden passing. It took us a while to comprehend this sad news about our good friend. I had jogged Prianca’s memory, in that  last e:mail to him, I recalled the first time we met him at Calvary Church, with another dear friend Damayanthi Herath, who sadly passed away many years ago in the prime of her life of cancer. Prianca was a solemn greeter in church, impeccably dressed, who took his duty as an usher very dedicatedly. Even though we left Sri Lanka in 2004, we kept in touch via e:mail and phone. Prianca and Manique became very dear to Hillary and me. I think back to the lovely times we spent after church, going to “Carnival” for ice cream. We enjoyed many dinners and gatherings with our “Calvary Friends” in our homes. We relished Black cherry cheese cake, that our sister-in-law Mano introduced us to, at the newly opened “Don Stanleys” at that time.


Prianca loved keyboard music. I would plead with him to treat us to a bit of his piano playing occasionally at his home. The trips we did with our group of friends were memorable. It was so much fun


We never missed a “Purple Rain”, or a Philharmonic Pop concert. We listened to lobby music at hotels, just enjoying a fun evening together.

Prianca loved keyboard music. I would plead with him to treat us to a bit of his piano playing occasionally at his home. The trips we did with our group of friends were memorable. It was so much fun. Trips to Welimada, Habarana and World’s end was such a chattering and scintillating experience. I remember most clearly how we ended up at a tourist bungalow in Anuradhapura during one of those suddenly thought of long week end trips. Despite the not so comfortable atmosphere, we enjoyed the loud taped music of the Gypsies, while we laughed at each joke, or some amusing story, while we swatted mosquitoes and ate every morsel of food that was prepared for us. There were many an impromptu trip we did together. The in-depth conversations on social issues, and religion, rationalized explanations that Prianca gave us to clear our minds. Prianca loved God deeply and would not miss hearing His word at any given opportunity. It’s hard to talk about the once so happy times, but our minds are the repositories of all those lovely memories of friends who have left us. They will always be vivid and present in our lives. Prianca was such a caring brother to Manique.   


 Prianca would remind me to “be still” and make those two Biblical words my affirmation. To have total reliance in God to see us through this trial


In his quiet, unobtrusive way, he did all that he could as a son, and a brother, a giving nephew to his Aunt, and also to any friend who needed his help. 

He, as our friend understood all the upheavals Hillary and I were going through regarding our home in Colombo, the home where we spent many a time of togetherness and joy with our crowd of friends. Prianca would remind me to “be still” and make those two Biblical words my affirmation. 

To have total reliance in God to see us through this trial. He had a very real and deep faith in God. Prianca’s earthly life has ended. He is now past the moon and the stars. He is with Christ, In Heaven. He is now in the most profound version of home.  

We thank God for the most beautiful memories of our times with you Prianca. All the precious images from the stream of time will remain in the prism of our memory for always.   

Goodbye dearest friend. We will surely see you again.   
Charmaine & Hillary Candappa.     

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