Prof. M. T. M. Jiffry     Follow

 The untimely demise of professor M.T.M. Jiffry (former senior professor of Physiology of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Sri Jayawardenapura University and Ex- Vice Chairman of UGC) on September 17 2010, caused a deep void in our hearts and also it is an irreparable loss not only to his kith and kin but also to our entire country as a whole. The vacuum he has left can never be filled easily.   

Hailing from a humble and respectable family in Matara. He received his early education at St. Thomas’ College, Matara and later he entered Mahinda College, Galle and thereafter Ananda College, Colombo where he excelled in his studies winning many prizes and trophies for the Best student. Prof. Jiffry was a brilliant product of Ananda.   

Prof. Jiffry graduated from Peradeniya Dental Faculty and became a lecturer there. After completing his M. Med science post-graduate degree he joined Colombo Medical Faculty as an associate professor of physiology. Thereafter he got a transfer to Sri Jayawardenapura University and became the founder dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Sri J’pura University.   

Prof. Jiffry did yeoman services for the upliftment and development of the faculty and executed his duties with honesty, integrity and dedication.   
Prof. Jiffry’s academic skills and erudition are praiseworthy indeed.   

I closely associated with Prof. Jiffry since his schooldays as his contemporary and I found him very studious and hardworking. He was humble, modest and well mannered. A brilliant academic worthy of emulation in many ways.   

Throughout his life he epitomized the value of kindness and uprightness. He was respected by all those he associated with. Prof. Jiffry won several fellowships from many foreign universities.   

Only a very few knew the charitable acts he performed right through.   

“Dear Prof. Your loss and our loss is Allah’s gain   
But only Allah takes the best Causing remorse and pain”   
May Allah grant him Jannathul Firdouse.   
- Al-Haj Dahlan Salahudeen   
- (Retired teacher, St. Thomas’ College, Matara)     

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