Right of Reply: There is only one China

Unification, the Common Dream of All Chinese People Around the World

The year 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, and also the heartbreaking 70 years of the split between Taiwan and mainland China. As the Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka, I would like to talk about the cross-Taiwan Strait relations and explain the Taiwan issue to Sri Lankan friends for a better understanding of this core interest of China.

What is Taiwan Issue?

Basically, the Taiwan issue is a question for China to end the status of cross-strait secession and to realize the complete national unification. The Taiwan issue is a fundamental issue concerning China’s core interests and the common will of all the Chinese people in the world. Its significance can be explained as follows: Firstly, it is left over from China’s civil war and is purely China’s internal affairs. Secondly, it is concerning China’s sovereignty and territory integrity, and how China maintaining her national dignity and fighting against external interventions. Thirdly the basic conflict is between the secession and anti-secession, “Taiwan independence” and Unification, “One China” policy and the “Two States” illusion.
The Taiwan island has been China`s territory since ancient times. The Chinese government in ancient ages has already set up administrations and jurisdiction on this island. From 1624 to 1662, the Dutch and Spanish colonialists invaded the Taiwan island, but only after a few years, they were expelled by the Chinese military and civilians. In 1895 Japan forced the dying Qing Empire to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki and occupied the Taiwan island until the end of WWII. In 1943 the Cario Declaration signed by the China, United States and Britain government declared that Japan must unconditionally return the Chinese territories including the Taiwan island to China. 

In 1945 the Potsdam Declaration issued by the China, United States and Britain government ruled that the contents of the Cario Declaration must be carried out. On August 1945 Japan surrendered and committed to faithfully fulfil the rules and its obligations in the Potsdam Declaration. On December 25th  1945, the incumbent Kuomintang government resumed the sovereignty of the Taiwan island etc.
The split status of the cross-strait will not change the fact that there is only one China in the world and the legal truth that the Taiwan Island is an inalienable part of China. 
After being defeated by the Communist Party in 1949, part of the Kuomintang administration personnel retreated to the Taiwan island. With support from the United States, they continued to use the designations “The Republic of China” and “government of the Republic of China”. But this will not change the fact and the legal status that the Taiwan island is an inalienable part of China.

In the political aspect, since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the Chinese government uphold and insist that there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, the government of the P.R.C is the sole government representing the whole China. During last 40 years, the Kuomintang authority also insists that the Taiwan island is an inalienable part of China and there is only one China in the world and they firmly opposed the “Two States” and the “Taiwan independence” though they refused to admit the legal status of the government of P.R.C. On 1992, both sides of cross-strait reached a consensus on the fact that both the Mainland and the Taiwan island are part of China, both sides should make efforts for the national unification. The consensus is well-known as “1992 consensus”, the community of Taiwan always followed the principles of this consensus except for only a very small number of “Taiwan independence” forces. 


"The split status of the cross-strait will not change the fact that there is only one China in the world and the legal truth that Taiwan Island is an inalienable part of China"

In the legal aspect, since the founding of the P.R.C on October 1st 1949, the Republic of China has lost its dominance in Chinese history and the central people`s government of P.R.C became the sole legal government of China and the sole government representing the whole China. According to the well-established rules and regulations of the International laws, the turnover of the regime will not change the China`s subject of international law, the government of P.R.C certainly has the right to have and exercised the sovereignty of whole China including the Taiwan island
In the reaction of the international community aspects, the One China Policy has gained the understanding and support of the international community. According to the UN Resolution No.2758, the People`s Republic of China has restored its lawful seat and legitimate right in the United Nation
On January 2nd 2019, President Xi Jinping`s speech at the 40th anniversary of issuing Message to Compatriots in Taiwan has mentioned clearly that: the future of Taiwan lies in the national unity, the well-being of the compatriots of Taiwan lies in the national rejuvenation. China must be and will be reunified. Anyone or any force cannot change the de facto and de jure that Taiwan is part of China, the Mainland and Taiwan island are all members of the whole of China. The historic trend of the rise of China, the national rejuvenation and the national reunification are unstoppable.

“Taiwan independence” goes against the trend of history and will lead to a dead end. For 70 years since the foundation of the P.R.C, the Chinese government always firmly safeguards the sovereignty and territory integrity. The compatriots across the Taiwan Straits will unite their efforts to defeat any form of “Two States”, “One China, One Taiwan” or “Taiwan independence” and win the anti “Taiwan independence” and anti-secession fight.
China’s reunification does not harm any country’s legitimate interests, including its economic interests in Taiwan. It will only bring more development opportunities to other countries, inject positive energy into prosperity and stability of the Asia-Pacific region, and make the greater contribution to foster a community with a shared future for mankind, to the peace and development of 
the world and also to the cause of human progress.

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