Sanjeeva Victor Corea missed by all

Your life - was a blessing,  
Your memory - a treasure,   
You are loved beyond words,  
And missed beyond measure.  
God has them in His keeping,  
We have them in our hearts.  
Born on July 8, 1972 and passed away on September 19, 2021, Sanjeeva lived up to the lessons he learnt at S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia as enunciated in Warden Buck’s Farewell Address to the boys of the school in 1902:  
“You belong to one of the best schools in the world, a school with splendid traditions and a most honourable name, and I charge you to try and hand down those traditions and that name to those who come after you, untarnished and unimpaired. Be proud of being Thomians and make the College proud of numbering you among its sons. Remember that whatever you do and wherever you go, your life and your actions will reflect either credit or discredit on the College where you were trained and to which you owe so much. You have learned the best lessons in the world at S.T.C, I trust not only English and Classics and Mathematics, but true manliness and truth, courage, purity all those things that make a man and a gentleman. Try never to forget them, but be men and gentlemen always.”  
Sri Sangabo Corea, Ramani, Dilhani, Sharmini Ranil and Kishan

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