Thambo Kumarakulasingam The Appa I knew and admired     Follow

People come into your life for a reason, Some just pass through, some linger, and some leaves impressions that last. Appa falls into the last category.  

I consider it my luck to have had an opportunity to be a part of his family. Appa was unique, I know it would have been really hard for him to accept the fact that me and my kids, had entered his son’s life, but he did it with such grace and welcomed us as his own. Never said any thing bad about others and lived a life centred around principles he had set. His achievements were immense. Sports was his passion and the cupboard full of trophies than sit in the hall were bears testimony to his talents.  

He was the man around the house, made it his duty to make sure everything around the house was done properly. We had very little to do as he took care of most things.  

The Kumarakulasingam Trust, which he formed many years ago to help under privileged university students during the college years was his way of making a difference to those who needed help. This was a wonderful initiative which helped a large number of students focus on their studies without worrying about funding. The programme was mainly executed by him.   

His health was becoming weaker during the last few months but he had the will most times, to go on. Although he had a relatively trouble free life for the most part, the complications pulled him down at the end. Somehow he still chose to bear even when pain would make him miserable.  
Whilst we miss him immensely I am glad he was relieved of the pain. But we who were left behind have not come to terms with it even three months hence. I guess it will never be the same. For Amma, there is a permanent void and KK will never be able to get used to it. I am sure Prabha and Naren have similar feelings.   

He was a person who left a lasting impression on others. What he did for me would last as fond memories, my whole life. There is a gaping hole of emptiness around the house as we hear you no more, we cannot reach out for advice when needed and that is really hard to fathom. Thank you Appa, for making our lives richer in every sense, and for the love your showered on us. Hope we will meet again in this long journey of sansara. We will miss you dearly until then.  
Tusitha Kumarakulasingam   

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