The Buddha’s Prophecy on Corruption

ing Kosol of India had 16 strange dreams and he desired to find out whether they were good or bad or to what they meant. He approached the Buddha for clarification. As at today, corruption is the subject of the day and as such I quote Dream 9 and the Buddha’s Prophecy.  


The Dream  

King Kosol dreamt of a big pond. The water in the outer part of the pond was clean, clear and cool but the water in the middle was cloudy and muddy. Big and small animals fought to drink the muddy water but no animal ventured to drink the clean, clear and cool water.  


"They would seek political power and seats in National Assemblies so that  they could rule the country and manage the finances of the countries.  They would acquire large amounts of money regardless of how dirty the  means were. That would occur all over the world"


The Buddha’s Prophecy  

‘In the future people will be full of greed and desire. They would crave for more and more money and will never be satisfied. They will not want clean, honest low-paying jobs which will met satisfy their greed. They would seek political power and seats in National Assemblies so that they could rule the country and manage the finances of the countries. They would acquire large amounts of money regardless of how dirty the means were. That would occur all over the world. They would be tricky and corrupt with the shame. It would become more and more severe resulting in disorder. There would be fights over positions in which they could gain more wealth. They would be fight over who should get more money, who should get less and should get nothing.’ 
(Reference: The Buddha’s 16 Prophecies)  
How apt is the prophecy in today’s context.  
Upali S. Jayasekera  

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