The Regent Style of “Service Above Self”

Those serving SUROL have hopes of a pandemic-free future


2021 presented its fair share of challenges, complications and disappointments to every entity on this planet. The hope of a Pandemic-free future, barely within grasp, was quickly disregarded with the spread of an evolved variant which ran rampant without warning. 

Despite the conditions, Community Service Organizations such as Rotary, Rotaract, Interact, Leos and Lions are as actively serving the rural and urban communities in need, carrying out donations and assisting people to meet their daily requirements.

The Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent embarked on helping the SUROL Foundation in the Month of May by making a small contribution towards its cause by providing surgical masks which was gifted by a generous donor for the Foundation and making a monetary contribution.

The term SUROL stands for Society for Upliftment and Rehabilitation of Leprosy Affected Persons. Thus their main focus is to support and rehabilitate disabled persons affected by Leprosy. 

SUROL had been in existence prior to 1971 but was registered as an Approved Charity in 1973. It is run by a Board of Management (Volunteers) and now continues under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Colombo, whose appointee is the Hon. General Secretary to the Board of Management.

SUROL is the only functioning non-governmental organisation in Sri Lanka which is committed to bringing some ray of hope and happiness to people affected by leprosy. Leprosy if detected early is curable and not contagious.
For more information visit and lend a helping hand by making a donation to its cause.

The Pandemic, although ruthlessly rampant, will not discourage organizations like the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent to continue to serve mankind in the true spirit of “Service Above Self”.

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